
Extracts from botanical mistletoe have been used in Europe for decades to support immune function in cancer just as in Asia many Chinese herbs are used to balance energy flow in the body.

Extracts of mistletoe are well-studied in Western science and hundreds of scientific articles have been published on practically all aspects of its clinical use. The clinical protocols for using mistletoe in cancer treatment were initially developed by Rudolf Steiner, PhD (1861-1925).

Since that time, pharmacological research and clinical studies have shown that it provides a broad spectrum of anti-tumor activities and restoration of the cellular immune system. Mistletoe is currently the most prescribed anticancer medication used in northern and central Europe.

  • Benefits of Mistletoe

    Mistletoe has been found to both prolong life and improve quality of life. Researchers studying uterine cancer reported, “mistletoe preparations such as Iscador and Abnoba Viscum have the effect of prolonging overall survival of corpus uteri cancer patients.” Another study, which track patients over five-years found, “significantly improved quality of life and significantly reduced persistent signs/symptoms.” Numerous studies have affirmed these benefits. Studies have also shown a range of other clinical benefits:

    • Typically well tolerated
    • Low toxicity
    • No more than Grade I flu-like symptoms
    • Decreased pain due to higher serum endorphins ii
    • Prolonged survival of patients with breast cancer, ovarian, uterine, and cervical cancers.

  • Enhanced Immune Function

    Recent research has confirmed enhanced immune function and healing with the use of mistletoe in patients with various types of cancer, including a broad range of cancers of the digestive tract and the genital system. Studies of immune support and restoration have also involved healthy individuals and report:

    • Higher levels of cellular immunity, our primary defense against cancer (eosinophils)
    • Greater numbers of natural killer cells and increased activity
    • Increased levels of cancer-fighting T-cells and T-helper cells
    • Increases in immune signaling chemicals (cytokines) xii xv xvii
    • Higher levels of protective immune antibodies and the B cells that make them
    • DNA repair following chemotherapy and radiation in patients with almost all types of cancers
  • Normalized Body Temperature

    Therapeutic use of mistletoe helps to re-establish the body’s natural temperature rhythm and increases core temperature by about 1° F (0.6° C). This increase in temperature counters the poor circulation and slower metabolic rate experienced by many cancer patients, reflected in chronically cold hands and feet. Improvement in core body temperature and restoration of circadian rhythm seems to be an important marker of immune restoration. Normalized body temperature also correlates with improved outcome and survival. (More information: Mistletoe Use in Cancer Therapy by Katherine Aparicio)

  • New Section

    Fully 70 percent of all cancer patients receive mistletoe preparations and it is usually paid for by the national health care systems, making mistletoe a more frequently prescribed anticancer medication than any other type of medication, includind immunotherapies such as interleukin-2, all forms of chemotherapy and angiogenesis inhibitors.  Like dendritic vaccinations, the mistletoe extract needs to be injected in a series to evoke and maintain a significant immune response.

    Usually, after some instruction, they find it easy to give themselves these injections, which are applied just beneath the surface of the skin using a small insulin syringe and a very fine needle. Initially, the injection is repeated every three days.  In most protocols, mistletoe is injected subcutaneously twice a week, for a period of several months to several years. Injections are typically applied in the morning, when the core temperature is lower. Based on each patient’s progress, the injections may then be prescribed periodically at six-week intervals.

Patient's experience

Approximately 85 percent of patients receive mistletoe. Mistletoe is provided as a simple subcutaneous injection twice a week, preferably in the early morning.

  • Research

    Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179) gives several indications for the (oral) use of Viscum album. In the beginning of the 20th century, it was Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), who suggested the parenteral use of i>Viscum album in the treatment of cancer patients. Therefore, since 1923, Viscum album has been used and initially studied in the field of oncology. In the last decade of the 20th century, i>Viscum album, as an immunomodulator, has also been clinically studied in chronic viral infections like in HIV/AIDS, Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection in women with cervix dysplasia, and hepatitis C (HCV) infection.[i],[ii],[iii] It is well-known that the extracts of European mistletoe (Viscum album Loranthaceae) cause a variety of biological activities such as cytokine production from immune- related cells,1,2,3 enhancement of natural killer (NK) cell activity,1,[iv],[v],[vi] and immunoadjuvant activity.[vii],[viii],[ix]

    The immunomodulating and anti-cancer activities of Viscum are caused by biologically active components like lectins (glucoproteins), viscotoxins, alkaloids and polysaccharides.5,[x],[xi],[xii]  Especially the mistletoe lectines (ML) cause significant activities and therefore have been studied most intensively.[xiii],[xiv],[xv] Three main groups of lectins have been identified: lectin I (ML-I) has an affinity for D-galactose (D-Gal), lectin III (ML-III) for N-acetyl-galactoseamine (GalNAc), and lectin II (ML-II) for both sugars.

    Among the three lectins, ML-I is most well studied, so that its anti- tumor and immunomodulating activities are well recognized. The modes of action of the various components of i>Viscum album have been well summarized and discussed by Fischer.[xvi]  Von Laue has documented that during parenteral Viscum album therapy, there is a positive correlation between the total mistletoe lectin content and the production of anti-ML-I-IgG antibodies.

    [xvii] Subclasses of anti-ML-I-IgG antibodies can indicate whether a Viscum album therapy leads to an activation of Th-I lymphocytes (through production of IgG1 or/and eventually IgG3) or to an activation of Th-2 lymphocytes (through pro-duction of IgG2 or/and IgG4).17 Usually, through immune stimulation and immunomodulation with Viscum album, a Th-1 response is initiated.

    Through this pathway, a cytokine-dependent cytotoxity is provoked, which plays an important role in the natural defence mechanisms against tumor cells.  A Th-2 response provokes the production of IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, etc., and thus, B cells increase their production of IgG2 and IgG4. The cytotoxity thus created, is (tumor) antigen-specific, and exhibits a direct lysis of tumor cells.  Therefore, monitoring of IgG subclasses during a Viscum album therapy is a very meaningful way to monitor and optimize therapeutic interventions. In addition, in the early phases of a Viscum album therapy, eosinophilia is considered to be a positive phenomenon, and positively related to a partial or complete response in cancer patients.

    In general, growing older makes the circadian rhythm of the core temperature and its amplitude more and more rigid and flat. In cancer patients, the circadian rhythm of the core temperature and its amplitude have become significantly hampered. Usually, the core temperature is lowered by about 0.6°C. In addition, the amplitude is flattened. The delicate interaction between the core and peripheral temperature to maintain a stable core temperature is also inhibited.[xviii]

    Therefore, one could say that the cancer patient grows old more rapidly. Parenteral administration of Viscum album will usually improve these functions significantly.18,[xix] In other words, Viscum albumrejuvenates the above described circadian rhythm, and thus the warmth organization. Thus, in the Gorter Model,Viscum album is used to improve effectively the T-cell function and the functioning of the warmth organization of the patient.  Recently, pre-clinical and clinical studies have been conducted with the Korean mistletoe (Viscum coloratum). Compared to the European mistletoe, very similar activities of the Korean mistletoe in animal models have been documented.[xx]

  • References

    [i] Gorter R, Stein J, Stoss M, Linder M: Prospektive, longitudinale, dosis-eskalierende, randomisierte Phase I/II Studie mit Iscador QuFrF und Iscador Qu Spezial mit HIV-positiven, Krebspatienten und gesunden, nicht- rauchenden Probanden. Forsch Komplementärmed (1996) 3: 169-175 [ii] Van Wely M, Stoss M, Gorter RW: Toxicity of a standardized mistletoe extract in immunocompromized and in healthy individuals. Am J Therapeutics (1996) 6(1): 37-43 [iii] Stoss M, van Wely M, Musielsky H, Gorter RW: Study on local inflammatory reactions and other parameters during subcutaneous mistletoe application in HIV-positive patients and HIV-negative subjects over a period of 18 weeks. Arzneim Forsch/Drug Res (1999) 49(I) 4: 366-373 [iv] Müller EA: Viscum album oligosaccharide activating human natural cytotoxicity is an interferon production inducer. Cancer Immunol Immunother (1990) 32: 221-227 [v] Hajto T, Hostanska K, Feri K, Rordorf C, Gabius HJ: Increased secretion of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-1, and interleukin-6 by human mononuclear cells, exposed to galactoside lectin from clinically applied mistletoe extract. Cancer Res (1990) 50: 3322-3326 [vi] Mannel DN, Becker H, Gundt A, Kist A, Franz H: Induction of tumor necrosis factor expression by a lectin from Viscum album. Cancer Immunol Immunother (1991) 33:177-182 [vii] Müller EA, Hamprecht K, Anderer FA: Biological characterization of a common extract of Viscum album enhancing human NK cytotoxicity. Immunopharmacology (1989) 19: 69-77 [viii] Hamprecht K, Handgretinger R, Voetsch W, Anderer FA: Mediation of human NK-activity by component in extract of Viscum album. Int J Immunopharmacol (1987) 9: 199-209[ix] Bloksma N, Dijk HV, Korst P, Willer JM: Cellular and humoral adjuvant activity of mistletoe extract. Immunobiol (1979) 156: 309-319 [x] Metzner G, Franz H, Kindt A, Fahlbusch G, Suus J: The in vitro activity of lectin-1 from mistletoe (ML-1) and its isolated A and B chains in functions of macrophages and polymorphonuclear cells, Immunobiol (1985) 169: 461- 471 [xi] Hajto T, Immunomodualatory effect of Iscador: a Viscum album preparation. Oncology (1986) 43 (suppl. 1): 51-61 [xii] Hajto T et al: Modulatory potency of the S-galactoside-specific lectin from mistletoe extract (Iscador) on the host defence system in vitro in rabbits and patients. Cancer Res (1989) 49: 4803-4808 [xiii] Kuttan G, Vasudevan DM, Kuttan R: Tumour reducing activity of an isolated active ingredient from mistletoe extract and its possible mechanism of action. J Exp Clinical Cancer Research (1992) 11: 7-12 [xiv] Bussing A, Suzart K, Schweizer K: Differences in the apoptosis-inducing properties of Viscum album extracts. Anti-cancer Drugs (1997) 8 (suppl. 1): 9-14 [xv] Riberau G, Jung MI, Dominique DS, Beck JP: Comparison of the effects of fermented and unfermented mistletoe preparations on cultured tumor cells. Oncology (1986) 45: 172-179 [xvi] Fischer S: Stimulation der Immunabwehr durch Mistelinhaltsstoffe. Hippokrates Verlag, Stuttgart (1996) [xvii] Laue HB: Kontrollparameter während der Viscum-Therapie. In: Scheer R, Becker H, Berg PA: Grundlagen der Misteltherapie. Hippokrates Verlag, Stuttgart (1996): 399-418 [xviii] Laue B v: Wärmeorganisation und Krebserkrankung. Erfahrungsheilkunde (1994) 43(2): 63-70 [xix] Fintelmann V: Intuitive Medizin. Hippokrates Verlag, Stuttgart (1987)

    Grossarth-Maticek R, Ziegler R. Randomized and non-randomized prospective controlled cohort studies in matched pair design for the long-term therapy of corpus uteri cancer patients with a mistletoe preparation (Iscador). Eur J Med Res. 2008 Mar 31;13(3):107-20. Beuth J, Schneider B, Schierholz JM. Impact of complementary treatment of breast cancer patients with standardized mistletoe extract during aftercare: a controlled multicenter comparative epidemiological cohort study. Anticancer Res. 2008 Jan-Feb;28(1B):523-7. Loewe-Mesch A, Kuehn JJ, Borho K, Abel U, Bauer C, Gerhard I, Schneeweiss A, Sohn C, Strowitzki T, v Hagens C. [Adjuvant simultaneous mistletoe chemotherapy in breast cancer—influence on immunological parameters, quality of life and tolerability] [Article in German]. Forsch Komplementmed. 2008 Feb;15(1):22-30. Semiglazov VF, Stepula VV, Dudov A, Schnitker J, Mengs U. Quality of life is improved in breast cancer patients by Standardised Mistletoe Extract PS76A2 during chemotherapy and follow-up: a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind, multicentre clinical trial. Anticancer Res. 2006 Mar-Apr;26(2B):1519-29. Elsässer-Beile U, Leiber C, Wetterauer U, Bühler P, Wolf P, Lucht M, Mengs U.Adjuvant intravesical treatment with a standardized mistletoe extract to prevent recurrence of superficial urinary bladder cancer. Anticancer Res. 2005 Nov-Dec;25(6C):4733-6.

    Mabed M, El-Helw L, Shamaa S. Phase II study of viscum fraxini-2 in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. Br J Cancer. 2004 Jan 12;90(1):65-9. Gorter RW, van Wely M, Reif M, Stoss M. Tolerability of an extract of European mistletoe among immunocompromised and healthy individuals. Altern Ther Health Med. 1999 Nov;5(6):37-44, 47-8. Grossarth-Maticek R, Ziegler R. Randomised and non-randomised prospective controlled cohort studies in matched-pair design for the long-term therapy of breast cancer patients with a mistletoe preparation (Iscador): a re-analysis. Eur J Med Res. 2006 Nov 30;11(11):485-95. Grossarth-Maticek R, Ziegler R. Prospective controlled cohort studies on long-term therapy of ovairian cancer patients with mistletoe (Viscum album L.) extracts iscador. Arzneimittelforschung. 2007;57(10):665-78. Grossarth-Maticek R, Ziegler R. Randomized and non-randomized prospective controlled cohort studies in matched pair design for the long-term therapy of corpus uteri cancer patients with a mistletoe preparation (Iscador). Eur J Med Res. 2008 Mar 31;13(3):107-20. Grossarth-Maticek R, Ziegler R. Prospective controlled cohort studies on long-term therapy of cervical cancer patients with a mistletoe preparation (Iscador). Forsch Komplementmed. 2007 Jun;14(3):140-7. Epub 2007 Jun 22. Huber R, Rostock M, Goedl R, Lüdtke R, Urech K, Klein R. Immunologic effects of mistletoe lectins: a placebo-controlled study in healthy subjects. J Soc Integr Oncol. 2006 Winter;4(1):3-7.

    Dohmen W, Breier M, Mengs U. Cellular immunomodulation and safety of standardized aqueous mistletoe extract PS76A2 in tumor patients treated for 48 weeks. Anticancer Res. 2004 Mar-Apr;24(2C):1231-7. Schink M, Tröger W, Dabidian A, Goyert A, Scheuerecker H, Meyer J, Fischer IU, Glaser F. Mistletoe extract reduces the surgical suppression of natural killer cell activity in cancer patients. a randomized phase III trial. Forsch Komplementmed. 2007 Feb;14(1):9-17. Epub 2007 Mar 6. Heinzerling L, von Baehr V, Liebenthal C, von Baehr R, Volk HD. Immunologic effector mechanisms of a standardized mistletoe extract on the function of human monocytes and lymphocytes in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo. J Clin Immunol. 2006 Jul;26(4):347-59. Epub 2006 May 17. Beuth J, Stoffel B, Ko HL, Buss G, Tunggal L, Pulverer G. [Immunoactive effects of various mistletoe lectin-1 dosages in mammary carcinoma patients] [Article in German]. Arzneimittelforschung. 1995 Apr;45(4):505-7. Schöffski P, Riggert S, Fumoleau P, Campone M, Bolte O, Marreaud S, Lacombe D, Baron B, Herold M, Zwierzina H, Wilhelm-Ogunbiyi K, Lentzen H, Twelves C; European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer New Drug Development Group. Phase I trial of intravenous aviscumine (rViscumin) in patients with solid tumors: a study of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer New Drug Development Group. Ann Oncol. 2004 Dec;15(12):1816-24. Klein R, Classen K, Berg PA, Lüdtke R, Werner M, Huber R. In vivo-induction of antibodies to mistletoe lectin-1 and viscotoxin by exposure to aqueous mistletoe extracts: a randomised double-blinded placebo controlled phase I study in healthy individuals. Eur J Med Res. 2002 Apr 30;7(4):155-63. Kovacs E, Hajto T, Hostanska K. Improvement of DNA repair in lymphocytes of breast cancer patients treated with Viscum album extract (Iscador). Eur J Cancer. 1991;27(12):1672-6. Kovacs E. The in vitro effect of Viscum album (VA) extract on DNA repair of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in cancer patients. Phytother Res. 2002 Mar;16(2):143-7.


Rudolf Steiner (1861–1925) war der erste, der klinische Behandlungspläne zur Anwendung von Mistelzweig bei Krebs ausarbeitete.

  • Vorteile des Mistelzweiges

    Mistelzweig ist ein anerkanntes Mittel für ein längeres Leben und eine bessere Lebensqualität. Wissenschaftler fanden bei Untersuchungen zu Gebärmutterkrebs heraus, dass „Mistelzweig-Präparate wie Iscador und Abnoba Viscum die Überlebensdauer von Patienten mit Krebs im Gebärmutterkörper verlängert.“ Eine weitere Studie beobachtete über einen Zeitraum von fünf Jahren Patienten, die mit Mistelzweig behandelt wurden; sie ergab, dass „die Lebensqualität deutlich verbessert wurde und die Langzeitsymptome erheblich reduziert werden konnten.“ Zahlreiche Studien haben diese positiven Ergebnisse bestätigt und außerdem weitere klinische Vorteile gefunden:

    • In der Regel gut verträglich
    • Niedriger Giftgehalt
    • Grippeähnliche Symptome nicht schwerwiegender als Grad I
    • Weniger Schmerzen durch höhere Serum-Endorphine
    • Längere Überlebensdauer bei Brustkrebspatienten sowie bei Eierstock, Gebärmutter- bzw. Gebärmutterhalskrebs
  • Verbesserte Immunfunktion

    Jüngste Studien bestätigen die verbesserten Immunfunktionen und Heilungsprozesse bei Patienten, die aufgrund ihrer jeweiligen Art der Krebserkrankung mit Mistelzweig behandelt wurden, darunter Patienten mit unterschiedlichen Tumoren im Verdauungstrakt und im Genitalbereich. Die Studien bezogen auch gesunde Menschen mit ein und ergaben zum Thema Aufbau und Aktivierung der Immunabwehr folgende Ergebnisse:

    • Bessere zelluläre Immunität, die Hauptabwehr gegen den Krebs (Eosinopholie)
    • Erhöhte Anzahl an natürlichen Killerzellen und erhöhte Immunaktivität
    • Erhöhte Anzahl an krebsbekämpfenden T-Zellen und deren Helferzellen
    • Zunahme der Botenstoffe für das Immunsystem (Zykotine)
    • Erhöhte Anzahl an schützenden Antikörpern und B-Zellen, die diese Antikörper produzieren
    • Wiederaufbau (Reparatur) der DNA nach Chemotherapie und Bestrahlung bei Patienten mit fast jeder Art von Krebs
  • Normalisierte Körpertemperatur

    Die medizinische Anwendung von Mistelzweig unterstützt die Wiederherstellung des natürlichen Rhythmus der Körpertemperatur bei einer Erhöhung der Kerntemperatur um 0,6°C. Diese Erhöhung der Temperatur regt die bei Krebspatienten meist schlechte Blutzirkulation, die sich in ständig kalten Händen und Füßen äußert, und den Stoffwechsel an. Eine gesteigerte Kerntemperatur und fie Wiederherstellung eines tagesperiodischen(zirkadianischen) Rhythmus sind wichtige Bestandteile beim Aufbau des Immunsystems. Eine normalisierte Körpertemperatur begünstigt zudem ein besseres Ergebnis der Therapie und eine bessere Überlebensrate.

Patient's experience at MCC

At the Medical Center Cologne, approximately 85 percent of patients receive mistletoe. Mistletoe is provided as a simple subcutaneous injection twice a week, preferably in the early morning.

Mistelzweig ist derzeit das in Nord- und Mitteleuropa meist verschriebene Medikament gegen Krebs.

Ganze 70 Prozent aller Krebspatienten erhalten Mistelzweigpräparate, die für gewöhnlich durch das nationale Gesundheitssystem bezahlt werden. Somit wird Mistelzweig öfter als jedes andere Krebsmedikament verschrieben, mehr noch als Immuntherapien wie Interleukin-2, alle Arten der Chemotherapie und als Angiogenese-Hemmer. 

Mistelzweig wird als einfache subkutane Injektion zweimal pro Woche vorzugsweise frühmorgens verabreicht. Wie Impfungen mit dendritischen Zellen muss auch Mistelzweig für die Entwicklung und Erhaltung einer deutlichen Immunabwehr wiederholt injiziert werden. Am Medical Center Cologne werden etwa 85 Prozent der Patienten mit Mistelzweig behandelt. In der Regel können die Patienten sich nach einer kurzen Einweisung auch leicht selbst die Injektionen geben. Sie werden mithilfe einer kleinen Insulinspritze und deren sehr dünner Nadel direkt unter die Oberfläche der Haut gespritzt. Anfangs werden die Injektionen jeden dritten Tag verabreicht.

Die meisten Behandlungspläne sehen subkutane Injektionen mit Mistelzweig zwei Mal die Woche morgens über einen Zeitraum von mehreren Monaten bis hin zu einem Jahr vor. Die Injektionen werden normaler- weise morgens verabreicht, weil dann die Kerntemperatur des Körpers niedriger ist. Je nachdem wie gut sich der Zustand des Patienten entwickelt hat, können die Injektionen danach in regelmäßigen Abständen von sechs Wochen verabreicht werden.

  • Referenzen

    [i] Gorter R, Stein J, Stoss M, Linder M: Prospektive, longitudinale, dosis-eskalierende, randomisierte Phase I/II Studie mit Iscador QuFrF und Iscador Qu Spezial mit HIV-positiven, Krebspatienten und gesunden, nicht- rauchenden Probanden. Forsch Komplementärmed (1996) 3: 169-175 [ii] Van Wely M, Stoss M, Gorter RW: Toxicity of a standardized mistletoe extract in immunocompromized and in healthy individuals. Am J Therapeutics (1996) 6(1): 37-43 [iii] Stoss M, van Wely M, Musielsky H, Gorter RW: Study on local inflammatory reactions and other parameters during subcutaneous mistletoe application in HIV-positive patients and HIV-negative subjects over a period of 18 weeks. Arzneim Forsch/Drug Res (1999) 49(I) 4: 366-373 [iv] Müller EA: Viscum album oligosaccharide activating human natural cytotoxicity is an interferon production inducer. Cancer Immunol Immunother (1990) 32: 221-227 [v] Hajto T, Hostanska K, Feri K, Rordorf C, Gabius HJ: Increased secretion of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-1, and interleukin-6 by human mononuclear cells, exposed to galactoside lectin from clinically applied mistletoe extract. Cancer Res (1990) 50: 3322-3326 [vi] Mannel DN, Becker H, Gundt A, Kist A, Franz H: Induction of tumor necrosis factor expression by a lectin from Viscum album. Cancer Immunol Immunother (1991) 33:177-182 [vii] Müller EA, Hamprecht K, Anderer FA: Biological characterization of a common extract of Viscum album enhancing human NK cytotoxicity. Immunopharmacology (1989) 19: 69-77 [viii] Hamprecht K, Handgretinger R, Voetsch W, Anderer FA: Mediation of human NK-activity by component in extract of Viscum album. Int J Immunopharmacol (1987) 9: 199-209[ix] Bloksma N, Dijk HV, Korst P, Willer JM: Cellular and humoral adjuvant activity of mistletoe extract. Immunobiol (1979) 156: 309-319 [x] Metzner G, Franz H, Kindt A, Fahlbusch G, Suus J: The in vitro activity of lectin-1 from mistletoe (ML-1) and its isolated A and B chains in functions of macrophages and polymorphonuclear cells, Immunobiol (1985) 169: 461- 471 [xi] Hajto T, Immunomodualatory effect of Iscador: a Viscum album preparation. Oncology (1986) 43 (suppl. 1): 51-61 [xii] Hajto T et al: Modulatory potency of the S-galactoside-specific lectin from mistletoe extract (Iscador) on the host defence system in vitro in rabbits and patients. Cancer Res (1989) 49: 4803-4808 [xiii] Kuttan G, Vasudevan DM, Kuttan R: Tumour reducing activity of an isolated active ingredient from mistletoe extract and its possible mechanism of action. J Exp Clinical Cancer Research (1992) 11: 7-12 [xiv] Bussing A, Suzart K, Schweizer K: Differences in the apoptosis-inducing properties of Viscum album extracts. Anti-cancer Drugs (1997) 8 (suppl. 1): 9-14 [xv] Riberau G, Jung MI, Dominique DS, Beck JP: Comparison of the effects of fermented and unfermented mistletoe preparations on cultured tumor cells. Oncology (1986) 45: 172-179 [xvi] Fischer S: Stimulation der Immunabwehr durch Mistelinhaltsstoffe. Hippokrates Verlag, Stuttgart (1996) [xvii] Laue HB: Kontrollparameter während der Viscum-Therapie. In: Scheer R, Becker H, Berg PA: Grundlagen der Misteltherapie. Hippokrates Verlag, Stuttgart (1996): 399-418 [xviii] Laue B v: Wärmeorganisation und Krebserkrankung. Erfahrungsheilkunde (1994) 43(2): 63-70 [xix] Fintelmann V: Intuitive Medizin. Hippokrates Verlag, Stuttgart (1987)

    Grossarth-Maticek R, Ziegler R. Randomized and non-randomized prospective controlled cohort studies in matched pair design for the long-term therapy of corpus uteri cancer patients with a mistletoe preparation (Iscador). Eur J Med Res. 2008 Mar 31;13(3):107-20. Beuth J, Schneider B, Schierholz JM. Impact of complementary treatment of breast cancer patients with standardized mistletoe extract during aftercare: a controlled multicenter comparative epidemiological cohort study. Anticancer Res. 2008 Jan-Feb;28(1B):523-7. Loewe-Mesch A, Kuehn JJ, Borho K, Abel U, Bauer C, Gerhard I, Schneeweiss A, Sohn C, Strowitzki T, v Hagens C. [Adjuvant simultaneous mistletoe chemotherapy in breast cancer—influence on immunological parameters, quality of life and tolerability] [Article in German]. Forsch Komplementmed. 2008 Feb;15(1):22-30. Semiglazov VF, Stepula VV, Dudov A, Schnitker J, Mengs U. Quality of life is improved in breast cancer patients by Standardised Mistletoe Extract PS76A2 during chemotherapy and follow-up: a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind, multicentre clinical trial. Anticancer Res. 2006 Mar-Apr;26(2B):1519-29. Elsässer-Beile U, Leiber C, Wetterauer U, Bühler P, Wolf P, Lucht M, Mengs U.Adjuvant intravesical treatment with a standardized mistletoe extract to prevent recurrence of superficial urinary bladder cancer. Anticancer Res. 2005 Nov-Dec;25(6C):4733-6.

    Mabed M, El-Helw L, Shamaa S. Phase II study of viscum fraxini-2 in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. Br J Cancer. 2004 Jan 12;90(1):65-9. Gorter RW, van Wely M, Reif M, Stoss M. Tolerability of an extract of European mistletoe among immunocompromised and healthy individuals. Altern Ther Health Med. 1999 Nov;5(6):37-44, 47-8. Grossarth-Maticek R, Ziegler R. Randomised and non-randomised prospective controlled cohort studies in matched-pair design for the long-term therapy of breast cancer patients with a mistletoe preparation (Iscador): a re-analysis. Eur J Med Res. 2006 Nov 30;11(11):485-95. Grossarth-Maticek R, Ziegler R. Prospective controlled cohort studies on long-term therapy of ovairian cancer patients with mistletoe (Viscum album L.) extracts iscador. Arzneimittelforschung. 2007;57(10):665-78. Grossarth-Maticek R, Ziegler R. Randomized and non-randomized prospective controlled cohort studies in matched pair design for the long-term therapy of corpus uteri cancer patients with a mistletoe preparation (Iscador). Eur J Med Res. 2008 Mar 31;13(3):107-20. Grossarth-Maticek R, Ziegler R. Prospective controlled cohort studies on long-term therapy of cervical cancer patients with a mistletoe preparation (Iscador). Forsch Komplementmed. 2007 Jun;14(3):140-7. Epub 2007 Jun 22. Huber R, Rostock M, Goedl R, Lüdtke R, Urech K, Klein R. Immunologic effects of mistletoe lectins: a placebo-controlled study in healthy subjects. J Soc Integr Oncol. 2006 Winter;4(1):3-7.

    Dohmen W, Breier M, Mengs U. Cellular immunomodulation and safety of standardized aqueous mistletoe extract PS76A2 in tumor patients treated for 48 weeks. Anticancer Res. 2004 Mar-Apr;24(2C):1231-7. Schink M, Tröger W, Dabidian A, Goyert A, Scheuerecker H, Meyer J, Fischer IU, Glaser F. Mistletoe extract reduces the surgical suppression of natural killer cell activity in cancer patients. a randomized phase III trial. Forsch Komplementmed. 2007 Feb;14(1):9-17. Epub 2007 Mar 6. Heinzerling L, von Baehr V, Liebenthal C, von Baehr R, Volk HD. Immunologic effector mechanisms of a standardized mistletoe extract on the function of human monocytes and lymphocytes in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo. J Clin Immunol. 2006 Jul;26(4):347-59. Epub 2006 May 17. Beuth J, Stoffel B, Ko HL, Buss G, Tunggal L, Pulverer G. [Immunoactive effects of various mistletoe lectin-1 dosages in mammary carcinoma patients] [Article in German]. Arzneimittelforschung. 1995 Apr;45(4):505-7. Schöffski P, Riggert S, Fumoleau P, Campone M, Bolte O, Marreaud S, Lacombe D, Baron B, Herold M, Zwierzina H, Wilhelm-Ogunbiyi K, Lentzen H, Twelves C; European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer New Drug Development Group. Phase I trial of intravenous aviscumine (rViscumin) in patients with solid tumors: a study of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer New Drug Development Group. Ann Oncol. 2004 Dec;15(12):1816-24. Klein R, Classen K, Berg PA, Lüdtke R, Werner M, Huber R. In vivo-induction of antibodies to mistletoe lectin-1 and viscotoxin by exposure to aqueous mistletoe extracts: a randomised double-blinded placebo controlled phase I study in healthy individuals. Eur J Med Res. 2002 Apr 30;7(4):155-63. Kovacs E, Hajto T, Hostanska K. Improvement of DNA repair in lymphocytes of breast cancer patients treated with Viscum album extract (Iscador). Eur J Cancer. 1991;27(12):1672-6. Kovacs E. The in vitro effect of Viscum album (VA) extract on DNA repair of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in cancer patients. Phytother Res. 2002 Mar;16(2):143-7.


De Europese maretak wordt al sinds duizenden jaren in tal van geneeskundige tradities als medicinale plant gebruikt. Sinds tientallen jaren wordt maretakextract in Europa gebruikt om de immuunfunctie bij kanker te verhogen, precies zoals in Azië vele Chinese kruiden worden gebruikt om de energiestroom in het lichaam in evenwicht te brengen. In de westerse wetenschap zijn de extracten van maretak grondig bestudeerd en er zijn honderden wetenschappelijke artikelen gepubliceerd over praktisch alle aspecten van de klinische toepassing ervan.

De klinische protocollen voor het gebruik van maretak bij de behandeling van kanker zijn oorspronkelijk ontwikkeld door Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925). Sinds die tijd hebben farmacologische onderzoeken en klinische studies aangetoond dat de plant een breed scala aan tumorbestrijdende eigenschappen bezit en het cellulaire immuunsysteem helpt herstellen.

  • De heilzame werking van maretak

    Maretak blijkt zowel het leven te verlengen als de levenskwaliteit te verbeteren. Onderzoekers die baarmoederkanker bestuderen berichten dat ‘maretakpreparaten zoals Iscador en Abnoba Viscum het effect hebben de algehele levensverwachting van patiënten met cor-pus uteri-kanker te verlengen’.

    Een ander onderzoek, waarin patienten gedurende vijf jaar werden gevolgd, maakte melding van ‘een significant verbeterde levenskwaliteit en significante vermindering van hardnekkige tekenen/symptomen’. In talloze studies zijn deze gunstige werkingen bevestigd. Onderzoek heeft ook een scala aan andere klinische voordelen aangetoond:

    • Wordt doorgaans goed verdragen.
    • Lage toxiciteit.
    • Slechts lichte koortsachtige symptomen.
    • Minder pijn door een hoger endorfineniveau.
    • Verlenging van de levensduur van patiënten met borstkanker, eierstokkanker, baarmoederkanker en baarmoederhalskanker.
  • Een versterkte immuunfunctie

    Recent onderzoek heeft een versterkte immuunfunctie en genezing bevestigd bij het gebruik van maretak bij patiënten met verschillende soorten kanker, waaronder een uitgebreid scala aan kankers van het spijsverteringsstelsel en de geslachtsorganen. Er zijn ook studies naar immuunondersteuning en -herstel bij gezonde mensen gedaan, met als resultaat:

    • Een hoger niveau van cellulaire immuniteit, ons voornaamste verdedigingsmechanisme tegen kanker (eosinofielen).
    • Grotere aantallen natural-killercellen en een toegenomen activiteit daarvan.
    • Een hoger niveau van kankerbestrijdende T-cellen en T-helper- cellen.
    • Een toename van de signaalchemicaliën van het immuunsysteem (cytokinen).
    • Een hoger niveau van beschermende antilichamen en van de B- cellen die ze aanmaken.
    • DNA-herstel na chemo- en radiotherapie bij patiënten met vrijwel alle soorten kanker.

    Een genormaliseerde lichaamstemperatuur Het therapeutisch gebruik van maretak helpt het natuurlijke temperatuurritme weer op gang te brengen en verhoogt de inwendige tem peratuur met ongeveer 0,6 °C. Deze toename van de temperatuur gaat de slechte bloedsomloop en het lagere spijsverteringstempo tegen die veel kankerpatiënten hebben en die tot uitdrukking komen in chronisch koude handen en voeten. Een verhoging van de inwendige temperatuur en het herstel van het circadiaans ritme lijkt een belangrijke indicator van immuunherstel te zijn. Een genormaliseerde lichaamstemperatuur correleert eveneens met een betere uitkomst en overlevingskans.

Patient's experience at MCC

At the Medical Center Cologne, approximately 85 percent of patients receive mistletoe. Mistletoe is provided as a simple subcutaneous injection twice a week, preferably in the early morning.

Maretak is momenteel in Noord- en Midden-Europa het meest gebruikte antikankermedicijn. Wel 70 procent van alle kankerpatiënten krijgt een maretakpreparaat, dat gewoonlijk wordt vergoed door de ziektekostenverzekering, zodat maretak vaker voorgeschreven wordt dan enig ander kankerbestrijdend medicijn, inclusief immunotherapieën zoals interleukine-2, alle vormen van chemotherapie, en angiogeneseremmers. Maretak wordt tweemaal per week toegediend als een eenvoudige subcutane injectie, bij voorkeur vroeg in de ochtend.Evenals het dendritische vaccin dient het maretakextract in een reeks injecties toegediend te worden om een significante immuunrespons op te wekken en in stand te houden. In het Medical Center Cologne krijgt ongeveer 85 procent van de patiënten maretak.

Gewoonlijk vinden ze het na enkele instructies eenvoudig zichzelf deze injecties toe te dienen, net onder het huidoppervlak met behulp van een kleine insulinespuit en een zeer fijne naald. In het begin wordt de injectie iedere drie dagen herhaald.  In de meeste protocollen wordt maretak gedurende een periode van meerdere maanden tot meerdere jaren tweemaal per week in de ochtend toegediend.  Injecties worden doorgaans ’s ochtends gegeven, wanneer de inwendige temperatuur lager is. Op basis van de vooruitgang van de individuele patiënt kunnen de injecties daarna periodiek in intervallen van zes weken worden voorgeschreven.

  • Referenties

    i] Gorter R, Stein J, Stoss M, Linder M: Prospektive, longitudinale, dosis-eskalierende, randomisierte Phase I/II Studie mit Iscador QuFrF und Iscador Qu Spezial mit HIV-positiven, Krebspatienten und gesunden, nicht- rauchenden Probanden. Forsch Komplementärmed (1996) 3: 169-175 [ii] Van Wely M, Stoss M, Gorter RW: Toxicity of a standardized mistletoe extract in immunocompromized and in healthy individuals. Am J Therapeutics (1996) 6(1): 37-43 [iii] Stoss M, van Wely M, Musielsky H, Gorter RW: Study on local inflammatory reactions and other parameters during subcutaneous mistletoe application in HIV-positive patients and HIV-negative subjects over a period of 18 weeks. Arzneim Forsch/Drug Res (1999) 49(I) 4: 366-373 [iv] Müller EA: Viscum album oligosaccharide activating human natural cytotoxicity is an interferon production inducer. Cancer Immunol Immunother (1990) 32: 221-227 [v] Hajto T, Hostanska K, Feri K, Rordorf C, Gabius HJ: Increased secretion of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-1, and interleukin-6 by human mononuclear cells, exposed to galactoside lectin from clinically applied mistletoe extract. Cancer Res (1990) 50: 3322-3326 [vi] Mannel DN, Becker H, Gundt A, Kist A, Franz H: Induction of tumor necrosis factor expression by a lectin from Viscum album. Cancer Immunol Immunother (1991) 33:177-182 [vii] Müller EA, Hamprecht K, Anderer FA: Biological characterization of a common extract of Viscum album enhancing human NK cytotoxicity. Immunopharmacology (1989) 19: 69-77 [viii] Hamprecht K, Handgretinger R, Voetsch W, Anderer FA: Mediation of human NK-activity by component in extract of Viscum album. Int J Immunopharmacol (1987) 9: 199-209[ix] Bloksma N, Dijk HV, Korst P, Willer JM: Cellular and humoral adjuvant activity of mistletoe extract. Immunobiol (1979) 156: 309-319 [x] Metzner G, Franz H, Kindt A, Fahlbusch G, Suus J: The in vitro activity of lectin-1 from mistletoe (ML-1) and its isolated A and B chains in functions of macrophages and polymorphonuclear cells, Immunobiol (1985) 169: 461- 471 [xi] Hajto T, Immunomodualatory effect of Iscador: a Viscum album preparation. Oncology (1986) 43 (suppl. 1): 51-61 [xii] Hajto T et al: Modulatory potency of the S-galactoside-specific lectin from mistletoe extract (Iscador) on the host defence system in vitro in rabbits and patients. Cancer Res (1989) 49: 4803-4808 [xiii] Kuttan G, Vasudevan DM, Kuttan R: Tumour reducing activity of an isolated active ingredient from mistletoe extract and its possible mechanism of action. J Exp Clinical Cancer Research (1992) 11: 7-12 [xiv] Bussing A, Suzart K, Schweizer K: Differences in the apoptosis-inducing properties of Viscum album extracts. Anti-cancer Drugs (1997) 8 (suppl. 1): 9-14 [xv] Riberau G, Jung MI, Dominique DS, Beck JP: Comparison of the effects of fermented and unfermented mistletoe preparations on cultured tumor cells. Oncology (1986) 45: 172-179 [xvi] Fischer S: Stimulation der Immunabwehr durch Mistelinhaltsstoffe. Hippokrates Verlag, Stuttgart (1996) [xvii] Laue HB: Kontrollparameter während der Viscum-Therapie. In: Scheer R, Becker H, Berg PA: Grundlagen der Misteltherapie. Hippokrates Verlag, Stuttgart (1996): 399-418 [xviii] Laue B v: Wärmeorganisation und Krebserkrankung. Erfahrungsheilkunde (1994) 43(2): 63-70 [xix] Fintelmann V: Intuitive Medizin. Hippokrates Verlag, Stuttgart (1987)

    Grossarth-Maticek R, Ziegler R. Randomized and non-randomized prospective controlled cohort studies in matched pair design for the long-term therapy of corpus uteri cancer patients with a mistletoe preparation (Iscador). Eur J Med Res. 2008 Mar 31;13(3):107-20. Beuth J, Schneider B, Schierholz JM. Impact of complementary treatment of breast cancer patients with standardized mistletoe extract during aftercare: a controlled multicenter comparative epidemiological cohort study. Anticancer Res. 2008 Jan-Feb;28(1B):523-7. Loewe-Mesch A, Kuehn JJ, Borho K, Abel U, Bauer C, Gerhard I, Schneeweiss A, Sohn C, Strowitzki T, v Hagens C. [Adjuvant simultaneous mistletoe chemotherapy in breast cancer—influence on immunological parameters, quality of life and tolerability] [Article in German]. Forsch Komplementmed. 2008 Feb;15(1):22-30. Semiglazov VF, Stepula VV, Dudov A, Schnitker J, Mengs U. Quality of life is improved in breast cancer patients by Standardised Mistletoe Extract PS76A2 during chemotherapy and follow-up: a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind, multicentre clinical trial. Anticancer Res. 2006 Mar-Apr;26(2B):1519-29. Elsässer-Beile U, Leiber C, Wetterauer U, Bühler P, Wolf P, Lucht M, Mengs U.Adjuvant intravesical treatment with a standardized mistletoe extract to prevent recurrence of superficial urinary bladder cancer. Anticancer Res. 2005 Nov-Dec;25(6C):4733-6.

    Mabed M, El-Helw L, Shamaa S. Phase II study of viscum fraxini-2 in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. Br J Cancer. 2004 Jan 12;90(1):65-9. Gorter RW, van Wely M, Reif M, Stoss M. Tolerability of an extract of European mistletoe among immunocompromised and healthy individuals. Altern Ther Health Med. 1999 Nov;5(6):37-44, 47-8. Grossarth-Maticek R, Ziegler R. Randomised and non-randomised prospective controlled cohort studies in matched-pair design for the long-term therapy of breast cancer patients with a mistletoe preparation (Iscador): a re-analysis. Eur J Med Res. 2006 Nov 30;11(11):485-95. Grossarth-Maticek R, Ziegler R. Prospective controlled cohort studies on long-term therapy of ovairian cancer patients with mistletoe (Viscum album L.) extracts iscador. Arzneimittelforschung. 2007;57(10):665-78. Grossarth-Maticek R, Ziegler R. Randomized and non-randomized prospective controlled cohort studies in matched pair design for the long-term therapy of corpus uteri cancer patients with a mistletoe preparation (Iscador). Eur J Med Res. 2008 Mar 31;13(3):107-20. Grossarth-Maticek R, Ziegler R. Prospective controlled cohort studies on long-term therapy of cervical cancer patients with a mistletoe preparation (Iscador). Forsch Komplementmed. 2007 Jun;14(3):140-7. Epub 2007 Jun 22. Huber R, Rostock M, Goedl R, Lüdtke R, Urech K, Klein R. Immunologic effects of mistletoe lectins: a placebo-controlled study in healthy subjects. J Soc Integr Oncol. 2006 Winter;4(1):3-7.

    Dohmen W, Breier M, Mengs U. Cellular immunomodulation and safety of standardized aqueous mistletoe extract PS76A2 in tumor patients treated for 48 weeks. Anticancer Res. 2004 Mar-Apr;24(2C):1231-7. Schink M, Tröger W, Dabidian A, Goyert A, Scheuerecker H, Meyer J, Fischer IU, Glaser F. Mistletoe extract reduces the surgical suppression of natural killer cell activity in cancer patients. a randomized phase III trial. Forsch Komplementmed. 2007 Feb;14(1):9-17. Epub 2007 Mar 6. Heinzerling L, von Baehr V, Liebenthal C, von Baehr R, Volk HD. Immunologic effector mechanisms of a standardized mistletoe extract on the function of human monocytes and lymphocytes in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo. J Clin Immunol. 2006 Jul;26(4):347-59. Epub 2006 May 17. Beuth J, Stoffel B, Ko HL, Buss G, Tunggal L, Pulverer G. [Immunoactive effects of various mistletoe lectin-1 dosages in mammary carcinoma patients] [Article in German]. Arzneimittelforschung. 1995 Apr;45(4):505-7. Schöffski P, Riggert S, Fumoleau P, Campone M, Bolte O, Marreaud S, Lacombe D, Baron B, Herold M, Zwierzina H, Wilhelm-Ogunbiyi K, Lentzen H, Twelves C; European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer New Drug Development Group. Phase I trial of intravenous aviscumine (rViscumin) in patients with solid tumors: a study of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer New Drug Development Group. Ann Oncol. 2004 Dec;15(12):1816-24. Klein R, Classen K, Berg PA, Lüdtke R, Werner M, Huber R. In vivo-induction of antibodies to mistletoe lectin-1 and viscotoxin by exposure to aqueous mistletoe extracts: a randomised double-blinded placebo controlled phase I study in healthy individuals. Eur J Med Res. 2002 Apr 30;7(4):155-63. Kovacs E, Hajto T, Hostanska K. Improvement of DNA repair in lymphocytes of breast cancer patients treated with Viscum album extract (Iscador). Eur J Cancer. 1991;27(12):1672-6. Kovacs E. The in vitro effect of Viscum album (VA) extract on DNA repair of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in cancer patients. Phytother Res. 2002 Mar;16(2):143-7.


Binlerce yıldır, Avrupai ökseotu çok sayıda tedavisel uygulamada ilaç yerine geçen bir bitki gibi kullanılmıştır. Bitkisel ökseotundan elde edilen özütler, tıpkı vücuttaki enerji akışını dengelemek maksadıyla Asya’da kullanılan çok sayıda Çin şifalı bitkileri gibi, kansere karşı bağışıklık fonksiyonunu desteklemek için onlarca yıldır kullanılmaktadır. Ökseotu özütleri Batı biliminde detaylı bir şekilde incelenmiş, klinik kullanımının neredeyse tüm yönlerine ilişkin yüzlerce bilimsel makale kaleme alınmıştır. Ökseotunun kanser tedavisinde kullanımına dair klinik protokoller ilk olarak Rudolf Steiner (1861–1925) tarafından geliştirilmiştir.

O günden bu yana, farmakolojik araştırmalar ve klinik incelemeler bu uygulamanın geniş çaplı bir antitümor faaliyet sağladığını, hücresel bağışıklık sisteminin iyileşmesine yardımcı olduğunu göstermiştir.

  • Ökseotunun Faydaları

    Ökseotunun hem yaşamı uzattığı, hem de hayat kalitesini yükselttiği ispatlanmıştır. Uterin kanserini inceleyen araştırmacılar, “Iscador ve Abnoba Viscum gibi ökseotu preperatlarının korpus uteri kanseri hastalarının toplam hayatta kalma sürelerini uzatıcı etkisi olduğunu” keşfetmişlerdir. Hastaları beş yıl boyunca takip altında tutan diğer bir araştırma “büyük miktarda iyileştirilmiş bir yaşam kalitesi ve persistan emareler/ semptomlarda büyük azalma” göstermiştir. Bu faydaları doğrulayan çeşitli incelemeler mevcuttur. İncelemeler aynı zamanda diğer bir takım klinik faydaların varlığını da ortaya koymuştur:

    • Genelde iyi tolere edilir
    • Düşük toksisitededir
    • Aşama I grip benzeri semptomlardan fazlası yaşanmaz
    • Daha yüksek serum endorfinlerinden dolayı ağrıyı azaltır
    • Yumurtalık , rahim ve servikal kanser hastalarının yanı sıra meme kanseri hastalarında da hayatı uzatır
  • Artırılmış Bağışıklık Fonksiyonu

    Yakın tarihli araştırmalar, sindirim kanalı ve genital sistem kanserleri de dahil olmak üzere çeşitli kanser türlerinden hastalarda ökseotu kullanımıyla birlikte bağışıklık sisteminin geliştiğini ve iyileşmenin hızlandığını kanıtlamıştır. Bağışıklık desteği ve yenileme araştırmaları sağlıklı bireyleri de işin içine katmış ve şu sonuçlara ulaşmıştır:

    • Kansere karşı temel savunmamız olan hücresel bağışıklık seviyelerinde artış (eozinofiller)
    • Natural katil hücrelerin sayısında ve faaliyetlerinde artış
    • Kanser düşmanı T hücreleri ve T helper hücre seviyelerinde artış
    • Bağışıklık sinyal kimyasallarında (sitokinler) artış
    • Koruyucu bağışıklık antibadilerinin ve onları üreten B hücrelerinin seviyelerinde yükselme
    • Neredeyse her tür kanser hastasında, kemoterapi ve radyasyonu takiben DNA yapısında onarım
  • Normalleştirilmiş Vücut Sıcaklığı

    Ökseotunun tedavisel kullanımı, vücudun doğal sıcaklık ritmini tekrar yapılandırmasına yardımcı olur ve iç sıcaklığı yaklaşık 1°F (0.6°C) yükseltir. Sıcaklıktaki bu yükselme, çoğu kanser hastasında tespit edilen , kronik soğuk eller ve ayaklarla kendisini belli eden, zayıf dolaşımı ve yavaş metabolik hızı aksi yönde etkiler. Iç vücut sıcaklığındaki gelişme ve sirkadyan ritimdeki iyileşme, bağışıklık onarımının önemli bir markörü gibi görünür. Normalleştirilmiş vücut sıcaklığı aynı zamanda geliştirilmiş sonuç ve hayatta kalma süresiyle de ilişkilidir.

Patient's experience at MCC

At the Medical Center Cologne, approximately 85 percent of patients receive mistletoe. Mistletoe is provided as a simple subcutaneous injection twice a week, preferably in the early morning.

O günden bu yana, farmakolojik araştırmalar ve klinik incelemeler bu uygulamanın geniş çaplı bir antitümor faaliyet sağladığını, hücresel bağışıklık sisteminin iyileşmesine yardımcı olduğunu göstermiştir.Ökseotu günümüzde, kuzey ve orta Avrupa’da kullanılan, en sık reçetelendirilen kanser karşıtı ilaç tedavilerinden biridir. Kanser hastalarının tümünün yüzde 70’i ökseotundan hazırlanan ilaçlar kullanır ve bunun bedelinin genelde ulusal sağlık hizmetleri sistemleri tarafından karşılanması ökseotunu gittikçe, interlökin-2, kemoterapi türlerinin hepsi ve anjiyogenez inhibitörleri gibi diğer ilaç türlerinden daha sık reçetelendirilen kanser karşıtı bir ilaç haline sokmaktadır. Ökseotu haftada iki kez, tercihen sabahın erken saatlerinde, basit deri altı enjeksiyonlarıyla uygulanmaktadır. Dendritik aşılamalar gibi, ökseotu özütünün de belirgin bir bağışıklık tepkisine sebep olunması ve bunun korunması için bir kaç kez enjekte edilmesi şarttır.

Köln Tıp Merkezi’nde, hastaların yaklaşık yüzde 85’i ökseotu alır. Genelde, biraz eğitimin ardından, küçük bir ensülin şırıngası ve incecik bir iğneyle derinin hemen altına uygulanan bu enjeksiyonları kendi kendilerine yapmak onlara kolay gelir. Ilk başta, enjeksiyon her üç günde bir tekrarlanır. Çoğu protokolde, ökseotu cilt altına haftanın iki günü sabahtan enjekte edilir, bu bir kaç aydan bir kaç yıla kadar devam eder. Enjeksiyonlar genelde iç sıcaklığın daha düşük olduğu sabah saatlerinde gerçekleştirilir. Her hastanın gidişatına göre, enjeksiyonlar daha sonraları altı aylık dönemler halinde reçetelendirilebilir.

  • Referanslar

    [i] Gorter R, Stein J, Stoss M, Linder M: Prospektive, longitudinale, dosis-eskalierende, randomisierte Phase I/II Studie mit Iscador QuFrF und Iscador Qu Spezial mit HIV-positiven, Krebspatienten und gesunden, nicht- rauchenden Probanden. Forsch Komplementärmed (1996) 3: 169-175 [ii] Van Wely M, Stoss M, Gorter RW: Toxicity of a standardized mistletoe extract in immunocompromized and in healthy individuals. Am J Therapeutics (1996) 6(1): 37-43 [iii] Stoss M, van Wely M, Musielsky H, Gorter RW: Study on local inflammatory reactions and other parameters during subcutaneous mistletoe application in HIV-positive patients and HIV-negative subjects over a period of 18 weeks. Arzneim Forsch/Drug Res (1999) 49(I) 4: 366-373 [iv] Müller EA: Viscum album oligosaccharide activating human natural cytotoxicity is an interferon production inducer. Cancer Immunol Immunother (1990) 32: 221-227 [v] Hajto T, Hostanska K, Feri K, Rordorf C, Gabius HJ: Increased secretion of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-1, and interleukin-6 by human mononuclear cells, exposed to galactoside lectin from clinically applied mistletoe extract. Cancer Res (1990) 50: 3322-3326 [vi] Mannel DN, Becker H, Gundt A, Kist A, Franz H: Induction of tumor necrosis factor expression by a lectin from Viscum album. Cancer Immunol Immunother (1991) 33:177-182 [vii] Müller EA, Hamprecht K, Anderer FA: Biological characterization of a common extract of Viscum album enhancing human NK cytotoxicity. Immunopharmacology (1989) 19: 69-77 [viii] Hamprecht K, Handgretinger R, Voetsch W, Anderer FA: Mediation of human NK-activity by component in extract of Viscum album. Int J Immunopharmacol (1987) 9: 199-209[ix] Bloksma N, Dijk HV, Korst P, Willer JM: Cellular and humoral adjuvant activity of mistletoe extract. Immunobiol (1979) 156: 309-319 [x] Metzner G, Franz H, Kindt A, Fahlbusch G, Suus J: The in vitro activity of lectin-1 from mistletoe (ML-1) and its isolated A and B chains in functions of macrophages and polymorphonuclear cells, Immunobiol (1985) 169: 461- 471 [xi] Hajto T, Immunomodualatory effect of Iscador: a Viscum album preparation. Oncology (1986) 43 (suppl. 1): 51-61 [xii] Hajto T et al: Modulatory potency of the S-galactoside-specific lectin from mistletoe extract (Iscador) on the host defence system in vitro in rabbits and patients. Cancer Res (1989) 49: 4803-4808 [xiii] Kuttan G, Vasudevan DM, Kuttan R: Tumour reducing activity of an isolated active ingredient from mistletoe extract and its possible mechanism of action. J Exp Clinical Cancer Research (1992) 11: 7-12 [xiv] Bussing A, Suzart K, Schweizer K: Differences in the apoptosis-inducing properties of Viscum album extracts. Anti-cancer Drugs (1997) 8 (suppl. 1): 9-14 [xv] Riberau G, Jung MI, Dominique DS, Beck JP: Comparison of the effects of fermented and unfermented mistletoe preparations on cultured tumor cells. Oncology (1986) 45: 172-179 [xvi] Fischer S: Stimulation der Immunabwehr durch Mistelinhaltsstoffe. Hippokrates Verlag, Stuttgart (1996) [xvii] Laue HB: Kontrollparameter während der Viscum-Therapie. In: Scheer R, Becker H, Berg PA: Grundlagen der Misteltherapie. Hippokrates Verlag, Stuttgart (1996): 399-418 [xviii] Laue B v: Wärmeorganisation und Krebserkrankung. Erfahrungsheilkunde (1994) 43(2): 63-70 [xix] Fintelmann V: Intuitive Medizin. Hippokrates Verlag, Stuttgart (1987)

    Grossarth-Maticek R, Ziegler R. Randomized and non-randomized prospective controlled cohort studies in matched pair design for the long-term therapy of corpus uteri cancer patients with a mistletoe preparation (Iscador). Eur J Med Res. 2008 Mar 31;13(3):107-20. Beuth J, Schneider B, Schierholz JM. Impact of complementary treatment of breast cancer patients with standardized mistletoe extract during aftercare: a controlled multicenter comparative epidemiological cohort study. Anticancer Res. 2008 Jan-Feb;28(1B):523-7. Loewe-Mesch A, Kuehn JJ, Borho K, Abel U, Bauer C, Gerhard I, Schneeweiss A, Sohn C, Strowitzki T, v Hagens C. [Adjuvant simultaneous mistletoe chemotherapy in breast cancer—influence on immunological parameters, quality of life and tolerability] [Article in German]. Forsch Komplementmed. 2008 Feb;15(1):22-30. Semiglazov VF, Stepula VV, Dudov A, Schnitker J, Mengs U. Quality of life is improved in breast cancer patients by Standardised Mistletoe Extract PS76A2 during chemotherapy and follow-up: a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind, multicentre clinical trial. Anticancer Res. 2006 Mar-Apr;26(2B):1519-29. Elsässer-Beile U, Leiber C, Wetterauer U, Bühler P, Wolf P, Lucht M, Mengs U.Adjuvant intravesical treatment with a standardized mistletoe extract to prevent recurrence of superficial urinary bladder cancer. Anticancer Res. 2005 Nov-Dec;25(6C):4733-6.

    Mabed M, El-Helw L, Shamaa S. Phase II study of viscum fraxini-2 in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. Br J Cancer. 2004 Jan 12;90(1):65-9. Gorter RW, van Wely M, Reif M, Stoss M. Tolerability of an extract of European mistletoe among immunocompromised and healthy individuals. Altern Ther Health Med. 1999 Nov;5(6):37-44, 47-8. Grossarth-Maticek R, Ziegler R. Randomised and non-randomised prospective controlled cohort studies in matched-pair design for the long-term therapy of breast cancer patients with a mistletoe preparation (Iscador): a re-analysis. Eur J Med Res. 2006 Nov 30;11(11):485-95. Grossarth-Maticek R, Ziegler R. Prospective controlled cohort studies on long-term therapy of ovairian cancer patients with mistletoe (Viscum album L.) extracts iscador. Arzneimittelforschung. 2007;57(10):665-78. Grossarth-Maticek R, Ziegler R. Randomized and non-randomized prospective controlled cohort studies in matched pair design for the long-term therapy of corpus uteri cancer patients with a mistletoe preparation (Iscador). Eur J Med Res. 2008 Mar 31;13(3):107-20. Grossarth-Maticek R, Ziegler R. Prospective controlled cohort studies on long-term therapy of cervical cancer patients with a mistletoe preparation (Iscador). Forsch Komplementmed. 2007 Jun;14(3):140-7. Epub 2007 Jun 22. Huber R, Rostock M, Goedl R, Lüdtke R, Urech K, Klein R. Immunologic effects of mistletoe lectins: a placebo-controlled study in healthy subjects. J Soc Integr Oncol. 2006 Winter;4(1):3-7.

    Dohmen W, Breier M, Mengs U. Cellular immunomodulation and safety of standardized aqueous mistletoe extract PS76A2 in tumor patients treated for 48 weeks. Anticancer Res. 2004 Mar-Apr;24(2C):1231-7. Schink M, Tröger W, Dabidian A, Goyert A, Scheuerecker H, Meyer J, Fischer IU, Glaser F. Mistletoe extract reduces the surgical suppression of natural killer cell activity in cancer patients. a randomized phase III trial. Forsch Komplementmed. 2007 Feb;14(1):9-17. Epub 2007 Mar 6. Heinzerling L, von Baehr V, Liebenthal C, von Baehr R, Volk HD. Immunologic effector mechanisms of a standardized mistletoe extract on the function of human monocytes and lymphocytes in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo. J Clin Immunol. 2006 Jul;26(4):347-59. Epub 2006 May 17. Beuth J, Stoffel B, Ko HL, Buss G, Tunggal L, Pulverer G. [Immunoactive effects of various mistletoe lectin-1 dosages in mammary carcinoma patients] [Article in German]. Arzneimittelforschung. 1995 Apr;45(4):505-7. Schöffski P, Riggert S, Fumoleau P, Campone M, Bolte O, Marreaud S, Lacombe D, Baron B, Herold M, Zwierzina H, Wilhelm-Ogunbiyi K, Lentzen H, Twelves C; European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer New Drug Development Group. Phase I trial of intravenous aviscumine (rViscumin) in patients with solid tumors: a study of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer New Drug Development Group. Ann Oncol. 2004 Dec;15(12):1816-24. Klein R, Classen K, Berg PA, Lüdtke R, Werner M, Huber R. In vivo-induction of antibodies to mistletoe lectin-1 and viscotoxin by exposure to aqueous mistletoe extracts: a randomised double-blinded placebo controlled phase I study in healthy individuals. Eur J Med Res. 2002 Apr 30;7(4):155-63. Kovacs E, Hajto T, Hostanska K. Improvement of DNA repair in lymphocytes of breast cancer patients treated with Viscum album extract (Iscador). Eur J Cancer. 1991;27(12):1672-6. Kovacs E. The in vitro effect of Viscum album (VA) extract on DNA repair of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in cancer patients. Phytother Res. 2002 Mar;16(2):143-7.


Европейская Омела сотни лет используется как медицинское растение во многих целебных традициях. Экстракт растения омелы в течение десятилетий использовался в Европе для поддержания функций иммунной системы в борьбе против рака, как в Азии используются многие китайские травы для балансирования потока энергии в организме. Экстракт омелы хорошо изучен в Западной науке. Были опубликованы сотни статей о практически всех аспектах его клинического использования.

Рудольф Штайнер, док. Философских наук (1861-1925), первоначально, разработал клинические протоколы использования омелы для лечения рака.

  • Преимущества применения омелы

    Было обнаружено, что применение омелы как продлевает жизнь, так и улучшает качество жизни. Научные работники, изучавшие рак матки, сообщают, что «препараты из омелы, такие как Искадор и Абноба (Abnoba Viscum) оказывают такой эффект на пациентов с раком матки, при котором увеличивается общая продолжительность существования организма1». В ходе другого исследования, где прослеживали состояние пациентов в течение пяти лет, было выявлено «значительное улучшение качества жизни и сокращение проявления постоянных симптомов болезни2». Эти положительные результаты были подтверждены многочисленными исследованиями3. Также, в ходе научной работы, были обнаружены другие клинические преимущества:

    • Обычно хорошо переносится
    • Низкая токсичность
    • Проявление симптомов, схожих симптомами гриппа, не больше, чем 1 степень
    • Уменьшение боли, благодаря повышенному содержанию эндорфинов сыворотки крови.
    • Увеличение продолжительности жизни пациентов, страдающих от рака грудной клетки, рака яичек, рака матки и цервикального рака.
  • Усиленное функционирование иммунной системы

    Недавние исследования установили, что использование омелы для лечения пациентов с различными видами рака, включая широкий спектр заболевания раком пищеварительного тракта и системы половых органов, увеличивает иммунные функции и способствует выздоровлению. Также в ходе исследований поддержки и восстановления иммунитета, в которых принимали участие также и здоровые пациенты, было установлено:

    • Более высокий уровень работы клеточного иммунитета – наша основная защита против рака (эозинофилы)
    • Большее количество клеток натуральных киллеров и повышающаяся активность
    • Более высокий уровень содержания Т – клеток, борющихся с раком и вспомогательных Т – клеток
    • Увеличение количества химикатов оповещения иммунной системы (цитокины).
    • Высокий уровень содержания защитных антител иммунной системы и В – клеток, которые их создают.
    • Восстановление ДНК, следующее после применения лучевой и химиотерапии для пациентов, с практически всеми видами рака

    Терапевтическое использование омелы помогает восстановить естественный ритм температуры и увеличить внутреннюю температуру приблизительно на 0.6° С (1° F ). Такое увеличение температуры противостоит плохому кровообращению и медленному метаболизму, что проявляется у многих онкологических пациентов, и выражается в том, что у них постоянно холодные руки ноги. Улучшение внутренней температуры организма и возобновление околосуточного ритма, очевидно, является важным показателем восстановления иммунной системы. Нормализация температуры тела также соотносится с улучшением результатов и выживания.

Patient's experience at MCC

At the Medical Center Cologne, approximately 85 percent of patients receive mistletoe. Mistletoe is provided as a simple subcutaneous injection twice a week, preferably in the early morning.

С того времени, фармакологические исследования и клинические испытания показали, что омела имеет широкий спектр противоопухолевой деятельности и восстановления клеточного иммунитета. На данный момент, омела – наиболее часто предписываемый противораковый препарат, используемый в северной и центральной Европе. Около 70% всех онкологических пациентов принимают препараты из омелы, и зачастую это оплачивается из национальной системы органов здравоохранения, тем самым делая омелу наиболее часто предписываемым противораковым лекарственным препаратом, чем все другие виды медикаментов, включая иммунотерапии, такие как интерлейкин – 2, все виды химиотерапии или ингибиторы развития кровеносных сосудов. Омелу вводят в виде простой подкожной инъекции два раза в неделю, желательно рано утром. Также как при вакцинации дендритными клетками, необходимо провести серию инъекций экстрактом омелы, чтобы пробудить и поддерживать значительную реакцию иммунной системы. В Медицинском Центре Кёльн, приблизительно 85% пациентов принимают омелу.Обычно, после того, как они получат некоторые инструкции, они с легкостью сами могут сами делать себе инъекции, которые вводятся прямо под поверхность кожи, использую маленький шприц для инсулина и очень тонкую иголку.

Изначально, инъекцию повторяют каждые три дня. Согласно большинству протоколов лечения, омелу вводят подкожно два раза в неделю по утрам, в течение нескольких месяцев или лет. Многие пациенты учатся сами делать себе инъекции, которые обычно вводят утром, когда внутренняя температура тела ниже. В зависимости от положительных результатов каждого пациента, может быть предписано, делать инъекции периодически, с интервалом в шесть недель.

  • ссылки

    [i] Gorter R, Stein J, Stoss M, Linder M: Prospektive, longitudinale, dosis-eskalierende, randomisierte Phase I/II Studie mit Iscador QuFrF und Iscador Qu Spezial mit HIV-positiven, Krebspatienten und gesunden, nicht- rauchenden Probanden. Forsch Komplementärmed (1996) 3: 169-175 [ii] Van Wely M, Stoss M, Gorter RW: Toxicity of a standardized mistletoe extract in immunocompromized and in healthy individuals. Am J Therapeutics (1996) 6(1): 37-43 [iii] Stoss M, van Wely M, Musielsky H, Gorter RW: Study on local inflammatory reactions and other parameters during subcutaneous mistletoe application in HIV-positive patients and HIV-negative subjects over a period of 18 weeks. Arzneim Forsch/Drug Res (1999) 49(I) 4: 366-373 [iv] Müller EA: Viscum album oligosaccharide activating human natural cytotoxicity is an interferon production inducer. Cancer Immunol Immunother (1990) 32: 221-227 [v] Hajto T, Hostanska K, Feri K, Rordorf C, Gabius HJ: Increased secretion of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-1, and interleukin-6 by human mononuclear cells, exposed to galactoside lectin from clinically applied mistletoe extract. Cancer Res (1990) 50: 3322-3326 [vi] Mannel DN, Becker H, Gundt A, Kist A, Franz H: Induction of tumor necrosis factor expression by a lectin from Viscum album. Cancer Immunol Immunother (1991) 33:177-182 [vii] Müller EA, Hamprecht K, Anderer FA: Biological characterization of a common extract of Viscum album enhancing human NK cytotoxicity. Immunopharmacology (1989) 19: 69-77 [viii] Hamprecht K, Handgretinger R, Voetsch W, Anderer FA: Mediation of human NK-activity by component in extract of Viscum album. Int J Immunopharmacol (1987) 9: 199-209[ix] Bloksma N, Dijk HV, Korst P, Willer JM: Cellular and humoral adjuvant activity of mistletoe extract. Immunobiol (1979) 156: 309-319 [x] Metzner G, Franz H, Kindt A, Fahlbusch G, Suus J: The in vitro activity of lectin-1 from mistletoe (ML-1) and its isolated A and B chains in functions of macrophages and polymorphonuclear cells, Immunobiol (1985) 169: 461- 471 [xi] Hajto T, Immunomodualatory effect of Iscador: a Viscum album preparation. Oncology (1986) 43 (suppl. 1): 51-61 [xii] Hajto T et al: Modulatory potency of the S-galactoside-specific lectin from mistletoe extract (Iscador) on the host defence system in vitro in rabbits and patients. Cancer Res (1989) 49: 4803-4808 [xiii] Kuttan G, Vasudevan DM, Kuttan R: Tumour reducing activity of an isolated active ingredient from mistletoe extract and its possible mechanism of action. J Exp Clinical Cancer Research (1992) 11: 7-12 [xiv] Bussing A, Suzart K, Schweizer K: Differences in the apoptosis-inducing properties of Viscum album extracts. Anti-cancer Drugs (1997) 8 (suppl. 1): 9-14 [xv] Riberau G, Jung MI, Dominique DS, Beck JP: Comparison of the effects of fermented and unfermented mistletoe preparations on cultured tumor cells. Oncology (1986) 45: 172-179 [xvi] Fischer S: Stimulation der Immunabwehr durch Mistelinhaltsstoffe. Hippokrates Verlag, Stuttgart (1996) [xvii] Laue HB: Kontrollparameter während der Viscum-Therapie. In: Scheer R, Becker H, Berg PA: Grundlagen der Misteltherapie. Hippokrates Verlag, Stuttgart (1996): 399-418 [xviii] Laue B v: Wärmeorganisation und Krebserkrankung. Erfahrungsheilkunde (1994) 43(2): 63-70 [xix] Fintelmann V: Intuitive Medizin. Hippokrates Verlag, Stuttgart (1987)

    Grossarth-Maticek R, Ziegler R. Randomized and non-randomized prospective controlled cohort studies in matched pair design for the long-term therapy of corpus uteri cancer patients with a mistletoe preparation (Iscador). Eur J Med Res. 2008 Mar 31;13(3):107-20. Beuth J, Schneider B, Schierholz JM. Impact of complementary treatment of breast cancer patients with standardized mistletoe extract during aftercare: a controlled multicenter comparative epidemiological cohort study. Anticancer Res. 2008 Jan-Feb;28(1B):523-7. Loewe-Mesch A, Kuehn JJ, Borho K, Abel U, Bauer C, Gerhard I, Schneeweiss A, Sohn C, Strowitzki T, v Hagens C. [Adjuvant simultaneous mistletoe chemotherapy in breast cancer—influence on immunological parameters, quality of life and tolerability] [Article in German]. Forsch Komplementmed. 2008 Feb;15(1):22-30. Semiglazov VF, Stepula VV, Dudov A, Schnitker J, Mengs U. Quality of life is improved in breast cancer patients by Standardised Mistletoe Extract PS76A2 during chemotherapy and follow-up: a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind, multicentre clinical trial. Anticancer Res. 2006 Mar-Apr;26(2B):1519-29. Elsässer-Beile U, Leiber C, Wetterauer U, Bühler P, Wolf P, Lucht M, Mengs U.Adjuvant intravesical treatment with a standardized mistletoe extract to prevent recurrence of superficial urinary bladder cancer. Anticancer Res. 2005 Nov-Dec;25(6C):4733-6.

    Mabed M, El-Helw L, Shamaa S. Phase II study of viscum fraxini-2 in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. Br J Cancer. 2004 Jan 12;90(1):65-9. Gorter RW, van Wely M, Reif M, Stoss M. Tolerability of an extract of European mistletoe among immunocompromised and healthy individuals. Altern Ther Health Med. 1999 Nov;5(6):37-44, 47-8. Grossarth-Maticek R, Ziegler R. Randomised and non-randomised prospective controlled cohort studies in matched-pair design for the long-term therapy of breast cancer patients with a mistletoe preparation (Iscador): a re-analysis. Eur J Med Res. 2006 Nov 30;11(11):485-95. Grossarth-Maticek R, Ziegler R. Prospective controlled cohort studies on long-term therapy of ovairian cancer patients with mistletoe (Viscum album L.) extracts iscador. Arzneimittelforschung. 2007;57(10):665-78. Grossarth-Maticek R, Ziegler R. Randomized and non-randomized prospective controlled cohort studies in matched pair design for the long-term therapy of corpus uteri cancer patients with a mistletoe preparation (Iscador). Eur J Med Res. 2008 Mar 31;13(3):107-20. Grossarth-Maticek R, Ziegler R. Prospective controlled cohort studies on long-term therapy of cervical cancer patients with a mistletoe preparation (Iscador). Forsch Komplementmed. 2007 Jun;14(3):140-7. Epub 2007 Jun 22. Huber R, Rostock M, Goedl R, Lüdtke R, Urech K, Klein R. Immunologic effects of mistletoe lectins: a placebo-controlled study in healthy subjects. J Soc Integr Oncol. 2006 Winter;4(1):3-7.

    Dohmen W, Breier M, Mengs U. Cellular immunomodulation and safety of standardized aqueous mistletoe extract PS76A2 in tumor patients treated for 48 weeks. Anticancer Res. 2004 Mar-Apr;24(2C):1231-7. Schink M, Tröger W, Dabidian A, Goyert A, Scheuerecker H, Meyer J, Fischer IU, Glaser F. Mistletoe extract reduces the surgical suppression of natural killer cell activity in cancer patients. a randomized phase III trial. Forsch Komplementmed. 2007 Feb;14(1):9-17. Epub 2007 Mar 6. Heinzerling L, von Baehr V, Liebenthal C, von Baehr R, Volk HD. Immunologic effector mechanisms of a standardized mistletoe extract on the function of human monocytes and lymphocytes in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo. J Clin Immunol. 2006 Jul;26(4):347-59. Epub 2006 May 17. Beuth J, Stoffel B, Ko HL, Buss G, Tunggal L, Pulverer G. [Immunoactive effects of various mistletoe lectin-1 dosages in mammary carcinoma patients] [Article in German]. Arzneimittelforschung. 1995 Apr;45(4):505-7. Schöffski P, Riggert S, Fumoleau P, Campone M, Bolte O, Marreaud S, Lacombe D, Baron B, Herold M, Zwierzina H, Wilhelm-Ogunbiyi K, Lentzen H, Twelves C; European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer New Drug Development Group. Phase I trial of intravenous aviscumine (rViscumin) in patients with solid tumors: a study of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer New Drug Development Group. Ann Oncol. 2004 Dec;15(12):1816-24. Klein R, Classen K, Berg PA, Lüdtke R, Werner M, Huber R. In vivo-induction of antibodies to mistletoe lectin-1 and viscotoxin by exposure to aqueous mistletoe extracts: a randomised double-blinded placebo controlled phase I study in healthy individuals. Eur J Med Res. 2002 Apr 30;7(4):155-63. Kovacs E, Hajto T, Hostanska K. Improvement of DNA repair in lymphocytes of breast cancer patients treated with Viscum album extract (Iscador). Eur J Cancer. 1991;27(12):1672-6. Kovacs E. The in vitro effect of Viscum album (VA) extract on DNA repair of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in cancer patients. Phytother Res. 2002 Mar;16(2):143-7.


Per migliaia di anni, il vischio europeo è stato usato in molte tradizioni terapeutiche come pianta medicinale. Estratti di vischio botanico sono stati utilizzati in Europa per decenni, per rinforzare la funzione immunitaria dei malati di cancro, proprio come in Asia molte erbe cinesi vengono somministrate per bilanciare il flusso di energia nel corpo. Gli estratti di vischio sono stati attentamente studiati dalla scienza occidentale, e finora sono stati pubblicati centinaia di articoli, praticamente su tutti gli aspetti del suo utilizzo clinico.

I protocolli per l’impiego del vischio nel trattamento del cancro sono stati inizialmente sviluppati da Rudolf Steiner, PhD (1861-1925).

  • Benefici del vischio

    È stato constatato che il vischio prolunga la vita e ne migliora la qualità. Ricercatori che studiano il cancro all’utero riferiscono che “preparazioni di vischio come Iscador e Abnoba Viscum hanno l’effetto di prolungare la sopravvivenza complessiva dei pazienti affetti da cancro al corpo dell’u- ero”. Un’ altra ricerca, che ha osservato i pazienti nell’arco di cinque anni, riporta “un significativo miglioramento della qualità della vita e una forte riduzione dei sintomi persistenti”. Numerosi studi hanno confermato questi benefici. Le indagini hanno anche mostrato una serie di altri benefici clinici: – Di solito è ben tollerato – Ha una bassa tossicità – Sintomi limitati a quelli di un’influenza di Grado I – Diminuzione del dolore a causa dell’aumento delle endorfine sieriche – Aumento della sopravvivenza dei pazienti con cancro al seno, alle ovaie, all’utero e alla cervice.

  • Funzione immunitaria migliorata

    Recenti ricerche hanno confermato un miglioramento della funzione immunitaria e un buon tasso di guarigione con l’uso di vischio in pazienti affetti da vari tipi di cancro, tra cui una vasta gamma di tumori del tratto digerente e del sistema genitale. Studi sul supporto e il ripristino immunitario hanno coinvolto anche individui sani e riportano:

    • Livelli più alti di immunità cellulare, la nostra difesa primaria contro il cancro (eosinofili)
    • Aumento del numero e dell’attività delle cellule Natural Killer13, 14. • Aumento delle cellule anticancro T e T-helper
    • Aumento dei segnali chimici di attività immunitaria (citochine)
    • Aumento dei livelli di anticorpi di protezione immunitaria, e delle cel- lule B che li producono
    • Riparazione del DNA a seguito di chemioterapia e radioterapia in pazienti con quasi tutti i tipi di cancro.

  • Normalizzazione della temperatura corporea

    L’uso terapeutico del vischio aiuta a ristabilire il ritmo naturale della temperatura del corpo, e aumenta il riscaldamento interno di circa 0,6° C. Così si contrastano i difetti di circolazione e il tasso metabolico più lento sperimentati da molti malati di cancro, e segnalati da mani e piedi cronicamente freddi.  Il miglioramento della temperatura corporea, e il ripristino del ritmo circadiano, di solito sembrano importanti segnali di ripristino immunitario.  La normalizzazione della temperatura corporea si correla anche con il miglioramento della qualità della vita e della sopravvivenza.

Patient's experience at MCC

At the Medical Center Cologne, approximately 85 percent of patients receive mistletoe. Mistletoe is provided as a simple subcutaneous injection twice a week, preferably in the early morning.

Da quel momento, la ricerca farmacologica e gli studi clinici hanno dimostrato che questa sostanza è in grado di fornire molti benefici anti-tumorali, e ha un’importante funzione di ripristino del sistema immunitario cellulare. Il vischio è attualmente il farmaco anticancro più prescritto nell’Europa settentrionale e centrale. Il 70% dei malati prende preparati di vischio, che di solito è a carico del sistema sanitario nazionale. Il vischio viene quindi prescritto in misura maggiore rispetto a qualsiasi altro farmaco, comprese immunoterapie come l’interleuchina 2, tutte le forme di chemioterapia e gli inibitori dell’angiogenesi.

Il vischio viene assunto con una semplice iniezione sottocutanea, due volte alla settimana, preferibilmente al mattino presto. Come per le vaccinazioni dendritiche, l’estratto deve essere iniettato più volte, in modo che possa stimolare e mantenere una risposta immunitaria significativa. Presso il Medical Center Cologne, circa l’85% dei pazienti si avvale di questo trattamento.  Di solito, dopo aver ricevuto le istruzioni, trovano facile farsi da soli queste iniezioni, che si praticano appena sotto la superficie della pelle, utilizzando una piccola siringa da insulina e un ago molto sottile. Inizialmente, l’iniezione viene ripetuta ogni tre giorni. Nella maggior parte dei protocolli, il vischio è iniettato per via sottocutanea due volte alla settimana al mattino, per un periodo che varia da alcuni mesi a diversi anni. Poi, sulla base dei progressi del singolo paziente, le iniezioni possono essere prescritte periodicamente, a intervalli di sei settimane.

  • Riferimenti

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