
Dr. Gorter earned his medical degree at the University of Amsterdam Medical School in the Netherlands, where he graduated as a family practitioner in 1973.  He completed his second postdoctoral training at the University of California – San Francisco (UCSF) Medical School in 1986.

Dr. Gorter served as a full UCSF faculty member from 1986 to 2008. Additional education includes a doctorate from the University of Witten/Herdecke in Germany in 1993, where he continues to serve as a faculty member. His training is foremost in conventional Western medicine with postdoctoral work in the United States, Germany and the Netherlands.

He also completed specialty training in anthroposophical medicine in 1973 in Arlesheim, Switzerland, with an emphasis on oncology. Dr. Robert Gorter has written numerous articles and abstracts, contributed to many books, and been featured on ABC, CNN and numerous television programs in the EU and the Middle East.

Visit Dr. Gorter's personal blog Read Dr. Gorter's curriculum

Research and career

In the 1980’s, Dr. Gorter served as a physician and researcher on AIDS at San Francisco general Hospital in the world-renowned Ward 86. He continued his involvement in research within the emerging field of immune therapy when Ward 86 became part of the UCSF AIDS Program. Subsequently, for four years, Dr. Gorter was the medical director of the Department of AIDS Epidemiology and Biostatistics at UCSF.

He was also highly active in program development in the initiation of the AIDS Health Project, the Coming Home hospice movement, and the Visiting Nurses’ Association home care services hor HIV/AIDS and cancer patients . This work, conducted at the very beginning of the AIDS epidemic in the United States and Europe, provided Dr. Gorter the opportunity to be involved in the research and clinical care that first defined the complex elements of the human immune system. These studies from UCSF Medical Center have resulted in the most extensive knowledge base on immunity in HIV infection in our time. When Dr. Gorter moved the focus of his work to cancer treatment a decade later, he integrated what he had learned in clinical practice and program development. He applied clinically relevant research on immune therapy to develop nontoxic, immune-based therapies for the treatment of cancer.

Drawing on what he learned as an AIDS researcher and on his clinical experiences, he began developing a cancer treatment program based on the principles of intensive and targeted immune restoration. He has also participated in research on botanicals that address cancer, as well as other forms of immune suppression. In Berlin he founded the European Institute for Oncological and Immunological research, which he directed until 2001.

This Institute was affiliated with the Free University (Freie Universität) and Dr. Gorter was also asked to lecture regularly to medical students and young doctors in this field. Dr. Gorter has spent more than two decades establishing and refining effective methodology for immune therapy. He has pioneered the integrated use of therapeutic fever (fever-range, total-body hyperthermia) and has also worked extensively with an approach that essentially vaccinates the immune system to restore latent immune function.

Personal experience with cancer

Dr. Gorter opened his private practice and health care center in the hearth of Amsterdam in 1974. Only a few weeks after opening his practice, he was diagnosed with far-advanced, Stage IV testicular cancer – at that time described as “teratocarcinoma”, which is a type of cancer curently defined as germ-cell carcinoma.

He was able to recover successfully through nontoxic treatment – that is, without the use of chemotherapy or radiation. His treatment consisted solely of therapeutic fever (hyperthermia) and injections of a known oncological botanical, the European mistletoe. This experience motivated him to further explore new, nontoxic approaches to cancer therapy.

At that time, the dendritic cells were not known, therefore we couldn’t use them therapeutically, but I did hyperthermia and I injected myself as a doctor with Viscum album (Mistletoe). I decided not to reveal my end-stage cancer diagnosis.Instead of focusing on the disease, I put all my energy into building a professional career. It took me about one year to achieve complete remission. 

 As a practicing physician, knowing that chemotherapy and radiation would inflict massive toxic side effects without much hope of a prolonged life expectancy, I decided to decline these options and go for a nontoxic cancer therapy. It has now been more than three decades ago since I was given that end-stage cancer diagnosis and I continue to live all these years to the fullest, without any signs or symptoms of cancer.     Of course, hope is extremely important as well. I really believe this is also the basis of the Gorter Model, that we try to the best we can to give patients a realistic hope and faith in what they do and we try to give them as far as we can, also care or love.

Fighting Cancer - A Nontoxic Approach to Treatment
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    Robert Gorter and his co-author Erik Peper, PhD, have written the book  “Fighting Cancer – A Nontoxic  Approach to Treatment”. The book presents the Gorter Model, which essentially is the way oncologic patients are currently being treated at the Medical Center Cologne in Germany. It gives insight to the scientific foundation of all treatment modalities. Also, first success rates are here being presented.

    Click here to order the book for a special price
9789020205053 (1)
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    The Dutch issue of the book,  “Ik heb kanker, wat nu?” was released in 2011 and it contains a DVD with patients’ testimonials and excercises to change their lifestyle and improve their quality of life.

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Ik heb kanker, wat nu?
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    The German issue of the book,  “Ich habe Krebs: was nun?” was released in 2012 and it contains a DVD with patients’ testimonials and excercises to change their lifestyle and improve their quality of life.

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    The Turkish issue of the book,  “Kanseri nasil yenerim” was released in 2012 and it contains a DVD with patients’ testimonials and excercises to change their lifestyle and improve their quality of life.

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Am cancer si acum ce fac?
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    The Romanian issue of the book, “Am cancer. Si acum ce fac?” was released in 2012 and it contains a DVD with patients’ testimonials and excercises to change their lifestyle and improve their quality of life.

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    The Arabic issue of the book was released in March 2013.


Sein Medizinstudium an der niederländischen University of Amsterdam Medical School schloss er im Jahre 1973 als Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin ab.

Sein zweites, postdoktorales Studium absolvierte er 1986 an der Medical School der University of California, San Francisco. Von 1986 bis 2008 arbeitete Dr. Gorter als Vollzeit-Hochschullehrer an der UCSF.

Des Weiteren habilitierte er sich 1993 an der Universität Witten/Herdecke, an der er im Anschluss ebenfalls als Hochschullehrer unterrichtete. Seine Ausbildung beruht hauptsächlich auf den Lehren der konventionellen westlichen Medizin, wobei er seine postdoktorale Arbeit in den USA, Deutschland und den Niederlanden abschloss.

Zusätzlich bildete er sich 1973 im schweizerischen Arlesheim im Bereich anthroposophischer Medizin mit Schwerpunkt auf Onkologie fort.

Dr. Gorter persönlichen Blog Dr. Gorter's curriculum


In den 1980er-Jahren arbeitete Dr. Gorter als Arzt und Wissenschaftler in der weltberühmten AIDS-Klinik Ward 86 des San Franciscoer Allgemeinkrankenhauses. Auch als die Ward 86 dann in das UCSF AIDS-Programm integriert wurde, widmete er sich weiter der Forschung im Bereich Immuntherapie.

Kurz darauf wurde er vier Jahre lang medizinischer Direktor der Abteilung „AIDS Epidemiologie und Biostatistik“ am UCSF. Er zeigte außerdem hohes Engagement bei der Programmentwicklung und Einführung des AIDS-Gesundheitsprojekts, beim Coming Home Hospice Movement (einem Projekt, das Hospizpatienten hilft, in Würde zu sterben) und beim Pflegedienst für HIV/AIDS- und Krebs-Patienten des amerikanischen Pflegedienstes Visiting Nurses’ Association (VNA). Er arbeitete dort genau zu der Zeit, als die AIDS-Epidemie in den USA und Europa ausbrach, was ihm die Gelegenheit bot, intensiv an der Forschung und an der mit dieser verbundenen klinischen Arbeit mitzuwirken, die erstmalig den komplexen Aufbau des menschlichen Immunsystems definierte. Die damaligen Studien des UCSF Medical Center schenkten uns das umfangreichste Wissen, über das wir heute zum Thema „Immunität des Körpers bei HIV-Infektionen“ verfügen.

Als Dr. Gorter zehn Jahre später den Fokus seiner Arbeit auf die Krebsbehandlung richtete, griff er auf seine Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen aus dem Klinikbereich und der Programmentwicklung zurück. Die medizinisch relevanten Forschungsergebnisse zur Immuntherapie nutzte er für die Ausarbeitung nichttoxischer und immunfördernder Krebsbehandlungstherapien. So halfen ihm seine Erfahrungen mit AIDS als Arzt und Wissenschaftler bei der Entwicklung von Program- men zur Krebsbehandlung, die auf dem intensiven und gezielten Aufbau bzw. der Wiederherstellung des Immunsystems basieren. Mehr als zwanzig Jahre verbrachte Dr. Gorter damit, wirksame Methoden zur Immuntherapie auszuarbeiten und weiterzuentwickeln. Er bereitete den Weg für den integrativen Einsatz von therapeutischem Fieber (Ganzkörperhyperthermie im Fieberbereich).

Des Weiteren arbeitete er immer wieder mit einem Therapieansatz, bei dem geschwächte Schutzmechanismen des Immunsystems durch essentielle Schutzimpfungen wieder hergestellt werden. Diese Therapie zusammensetzt sich in Kombination mit Mistelzweig-Pflanzenextrakten, antioxidantischen Behandlungen und anderen immunstärkend wirkenden Mitteln angewandt. Bestandteile dieser Behandlungsansätze wurden unabhängig voneinander in Tausenden klinischer Studien von Forschungszentren in den USA , Europa, Australien, Neuseeland und Japan untersucht.


1974 eröffnete Dr. Gorter ein Gesundheitszentrum als Privatpraxis im Herzen von Amsterdam. Nur wenige Wochen nach Eröffnung seiner Praxis erhielt er die Diagnose „Hodenkrebs im IV. Stadium, weit fortgeschritten“. Zu jener Zeit sprach man von einem „Teratokarzinom“, einer Krebsform mit einem sogenannten Keimzelltumor.

Dank einer ungiftigen Therapiebehandlung, ohne den Einsatz von Chemotherapie oder Bestrahlung, konnte er sich selbst heilen. Seine Behandlung bestand aus der Anwendung von therapeutischem Fieber (Hyperthermie) und Injektionen mit europäischem Mistelzweig, einem in der Krebsbehandlung bewährten Pflanzenpräparat. Seine positiven Erfahrungen brachten ihn dazu, neue und ungiftige Ansätze in der Krebstherapie zu erforschen.

“Zu dieser Zeit hatte ich beschlossen, meine Endstadiumsdiagnose nicht bekannt zu geben, da ich von meinen Mitmenschen nicht wie ein Todespatient behandelt und gemieden werden wollte. Anstatt mich auf meine Krankheit zu konzentrieren, steckte ich meine gesamte Kraft in meine Karriere. Als praktizierender Arzt wusste ich, dass Chemotherapie und Bestrahlung starke toxische Nebenwirkungen haben würden, ohne große Aussicht auf eine gesteigerte Lebenserwartung, und ent- schied mich daher gegen diese beiden Formen der Behandlung. Stattdessen begann ich mit einer Immuntherapie, um die Anti- Krebs-Abwehrmechanismen in meinem Körper zu reaktivieren.

Ich entschied mich für Mistelinjektionen (Viscum album), ein weithin anerkanntes pflanzliches Arzneimittel, das in Europa seit 80 Jahren zur Anwendung kommt, sowie für den Einsatz von therapeutischem Fieber (Ganzkörperhyperthermie im Fieberbereich). Es dauerte ungefähr ein Jahr, bis ich eine komplette Remission erreichte. Nun sind 37 Jahre seit meiner Diagnose ‚Krebs im Endstadium’ vergangen und ich habe all diese Jahre voll ausgekostet, ohne dass erneute Anzeichen oder Symptome für den Krebs aufgetaucht sind. ”

Fighting Cancer - A Nontoxic Approach to Treatment
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    Dr. Robert Gorter und sein Co-Autor Erik Peper, PhD veröffentlichten gemeinsam das Buch „Fighting Cancer
    – A Nontoxic Approach to Treatment“
    .  Das Buch präsentiert das Gorter Modell nach dem an Krebs erkrankte Patienten aktuell im Medical Center Cologne behandelt werden. Es gibt Einblick in die wissenschaftliche Grundlage aller Behandlungsmethoden. Desweiteren werden erste Behandlungserfolge präsentiert.

    Bitte klicken Sie auf folgenden Link, um das Buch zum Sonderpreis zu
9789020205053 (1)
Ik heb kanker, wat nu?
Am cancer si acum ce fac?
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    Die arabisch Version wurde 2012 veröffentlicht.


Dr. Gorter heeft zijn medische graad behaald aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam waar hij in 1973 als huisarts is afgestudeerd. In 1986 voltooide hij zijn tweede postdoctorale opleiding aan de University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Medical School.

Dr. Gorter was van 1986 tot 2008 verbonden aan de medische faculteit van de USCF. Voorts is hij in 1993 gepromoveerd aan de Universiteit van Witten/ Herdecke in Duitsland en is daar ook nu nog aan verbonden.

Hij is primair opgeleid in de reguliere westerse geneeskunde, met post- doctorale werkzaamheden in de Verenigde Staten, Duitsland en Nederland. Hij voltooide in 1973 tevens een gespecialiseerde opleiding in de antroposofische geneeskunde in Arlesheim, Zwitserland, met oncologie als zwaartepunt.

Persoonlijke blog dr. Gorter's Dr. Gorter's curriculum


In de jaren tachtig was dr. Gorter werkzaam als arts en aidsonderzoeker aan het San Francisco General Hospital in de wereldberoemde Ward 86. Hij vervolgde zijn onderzoeksactiviteiten op het terrein van de immunotherapie toen Ward 86 een deel werd van het aidsprogramma van de UCSF. Aansluitend werd dr. Gorter medisch directeur van het Department of AIDS Epidemiology and Biostatistics aan de USCF. Hij was ook zeer actief in de programmaontwikkeling bij de oprichting van het AIDS Health Project, de Coming Home Hospicebeweging en de thuiszorgdiensten voor hiv/aids- en kankerpatiënten van de Visiting Nurses’ Association.

Toen dr. Gorter een decennium later het zwaartepunt van zijn werk verlegde naar de behandeling van kanker integreerde hij wat hij in de klinische praktijk en bij het ontwikkelen van programma’s had geleerd. Hij benutte klinisch relevant onderzoek naar immunotherapie om niet-toxische, op de immuunfunctie gebaseerde therapieën voor de behandeling van kanker te ontwikkelen. Door gebruik te maken van wat hij als aidsonderzoeker en door zijn klinische ervaring geleerd, begon hij met de ontwikkeling van een programma voor de behandeling van kanker dat gebaseerd was op het principe van een intensief en doelgericht immuunherstel.

Dr. Gorter heeft ook meegewerkt aan onderzoek naar plantaardige geneesmiddelen tegen kanker en andere vormen van immuunsuppressie. Hij richtte in Berlijn het European Institute for Oncological and Immunological Research op, dat hij tot 2001 heeft geleid. Dit instituut was geaffilieerd met de Freie Universität en dr. Gorter werd ook gevraagd om geregeld college te geven aan studenten geneeskunde en jonge artsen in dit werkveld.

Het zwaartepunt van zijn onderzoek lag bij het documenteren van de mogelijke werkzaamheid van Viscum album (maretak) bij zowel oncologische patiënten als patiënten met chronische virale infecties, zoals het hiv- en hepatitis C- virus (HCV). Hij ontving voor een klinische studie naar de uitwerking van Viscum album op hiv/aids een persoonlijke Investigational New Drug (IND)-goedkeuring van de Food and Drug Administration voor het uitvoeren van klinische proeven in fase II en III. Aangetoond werd dat maretak, op de juiste wijze toegediend, bij patiënten met solide tumoren tot een belangrijke verhoging van de levenskwaliteit en ook een aanzienlijke verlenging van de levensverwachting kan leiden.


Dr. Gorter opende in 1974 zijn privépraktijk en gezondheidscentrum in hartje Amsterdam. Slechts enkele weken nadat hij zijn praktijk had geopend, werd hij gediagnosticeerd met een vergevorderde (fase IV-) zaadbalkanker – indertijd ‘teratocarcinoom’ genoemd, een type kanker dat tegenwoordig kiemcelcarcinoom wordt genoemd.

Hij was in staat om volledig te herstellen dankzij een niet-toxische behandelingdat wil zeggen, zonder gebruik te maken van chemotherapie of bestraling. Zijn behandeling bestond uitsluitend uit therapeutische koorts (hyperthermie) en injecties van een bekend oncologisch plantaardig preparaat, op basis van de Europese maretak. Deze ervaring motiveerde hem om ook andere nieuwe, niet-toxische methoden voor kankertherapie te onderzoeken.

“Indertijd besloot ik de diagnose van kanker in het eindstadium niet bekend te maken, om te voorkomen dat ik zou worden gestigmatiseerd als iemand met een dodelijke ziekte en op grond daarvan door andere mensen zou worden ge- meden. In plaats van me op de ziekte te richten, stak ik al mijn energie in het opbouwen van een professionele loopbaan. Als praktiserend arts, in de wetenschap dat chemotherapie en bestraling immense toxische bijwerkingen hadden zonder veel hoop te bieden op een langere levensverwachting, besloot ik deze opties te negeren. Ik begon in plaats daarvan aan een immunotherapie om het afweersysteem tegen kanker in mijn lichaam te herstellen. Ik besloot mezelf te behandelen met injecties van maretak (Viscum album), een algemeen gerespecteerd medicament van plantaardige oorsprong dat in Europa al meer dan tachtig jaar wordt toege- past, en met therapeutische koorts (hyperthermie van het gehele lichaam Indertijd besloot ik de diagnose van kanker in het eindstadium niet bekend te maken, om te voorkomen dat ik zou worden gestigmatiseerd als iemand met een dodelijke ziekte en op grond daarvan door andere mensen zou worden ge- meden. In plaats van me op de ziekte te richten, stak ik al mijn energie in het opbouwen van een professionele loopbaan. ”

Fighting Cancer - A Nontoxic Approach to Treatment
  • Lees meer und bestellen

    Robert Gorter and his co-author Erik Peper, PhD, have written the book  “Fighting Cancer – A Nontoxic  Approach to Treatment”. The book presents the Gorter Model, which essentially is the way oncologic patients are currently being treated at the Medical Center Cologne in Germany. It gives insight to the scientific foundation of all treatment modalities. Also, first success rates are here being presented.

    Klik hier om het boek te bestellen voor een speciale prijs
9789020205053 (1)
Ik heb kanker, wat nu?
Am cancer si acum ce fac?
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    The arabic issue of the book was released in October 2012.


Dr. Gorter tıp derecesini Hollanda, Amsterdam Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi’ni kazandı. 1973 senesinde buradan pratisyen hekimlikle mezun oldu.

Ikinci doktora sonrası eğitimini California Üniversitesi – San Francisco (UCSF) Tıp Fakültesi’nde 1986 senesinde tamamladı. Dr. Gorter 1986’dan 2008’e kadar tam zamanlı UCSF fakülte üyesi olarak hizmet verdi.

Ek eğitimleri arasında 1993 senesinde hala fakülte üyesi olarak hizmet verdiği Almanya, Witten Üniversitesi/ Herdecke’den aldığı doktora yer almakta.

Eğitimi geleneksel Batı tıbbıyla başlıyor, bunu Birleşik Devletler, Almanya ve Hollanda’daki doktora sonrası çalışmalar takip ediyor. Aynı zamanda 1973’te Arlesheim, İsviçre’de, onkoloji vurgulu antropozik hekimlik üzerine ihtisas eğitimini tamamladı.

Dr Gorter kişisel günlüğü Dr Gorter müfredatı

Araştırma ve kariyer

1980’lerde, Dr. Gorter San Francisco Genel Hastanesi’nde, dünyaca tanınan Koğuş 86’da, AIDS üzerine doktor ve araştırmacı olarak hizmet verdi. Koğuş 86 UCSF AIDS Programı’nın bir parçası halini alınca, gittikçe büyüyen bağışıklık terapisi alanında yapılan araştırmalara dahil oldu. Hiç kesintisiz, tam dört yıl boyunca UCSF’de AIDS Epidemiyoloji ve Biyostatik Bölümü’nün tıp direktörü görevini üstlendi. Aynı zamanda AIDS Sağlık Projesi’nin, Coming Home Bakımevi hareketinde, Ziyaretçi Hemşireler Birliği’nin HIV/AIDS ve kanser hastaları için verdiği ev bakım hizmetlerinin başlangıcındaki program geliştirmede oldukça faal görev yaptı Birleşik Devletler ve Avrupa’da gözlemlenen AIDS salgınının en başlarında yürütülen bu çalışma, Dr. Gorter’e insan bağışıklık sisteminin karmaşık unsurlarını ilk kez betimleyen araştırma ve klinik bakıma dahil olma şansını verdi. UCSF Tıp Merkezi’nde yapılan bu incelemeler, günümüzde HIV enfeksiyonuna ilişkin en derin bilgi tabanını oluşturdu. Dr. Gorter bundan on yıl sonra çalışma odağını kanser tedavisine yoğunlaştırdığında, klinik uygulama ve program gelişiminde öğrendiklerini birleştirdi.

Kenser tedavisi için toksik olmayan, bağışıklığa dayalı terapiler geliştirmek maksadıyla bağışıklık terapisi konusunda klinik açıdan uygun bir araştırma yaptı. Bir AIDS araştırmacısı olarak ve klinik deneyimlerinden öğrendiklerini kullanarak, intansif ve bağışıklık yenilemeyi hedefleyen bir kanser tedavi programı geliştirmeye başladı. Dr. Gorter aynı zamanda, bağışıklık baskılayan diğer yöntemlerin yanı sıra, kanseri hedef alan bitkiler üzerine yapılan araştırmalara da katıldı. Berlin’de Avrupa Onkolojik ve İmmünolojik Araştırma Enstitütüsü’nü kurdu ve bu kuruluşu 2001 yılına kadar yönetti. Bu Enstitü Free Üniversitesi’yle (Freie Universität) birleşti ve Dr. Gorter’den tıp öğrencileriyle alanda çalışan genç doktorlara düzenli olarak ders vermesi istendi. Dr. Gorter’in araştırmasının esas odağı, Viscum album’un (ökseotu) hem onkolojik hastalarda, hem de HIV ve hepatit C virüsü (HCV) gibi kronik viral enfeksiyonlu hastalarda olası yarar ve etkinliğini dokümante etmekti.

Viscum album’le HIV/AIDS’e dair yaptığı klinik bir incelemede, aşama II ve aşama III klinik deneyleri gerçek leştirmek için Gıda ve İlaç İdare’sinden şahsi Yeni Keşfedilmiş İlaç (IND) onayı aldı. Doğru şekilde uygulandığında, ökseotunun yaşam kalitesinde büyük gelişimleri tetiklediği ve aynı zamanda solid tümörlü kanser hastalarında hayat beklentisini önemli oranda uzattığı kanıtlanmıştır. Dr. Gorter bağışıklık terapisine etkin bir yöntem kurup geliştirmek için yirmi yıldan daha uzun bir zaman harcadı. Terapatik ateşin (ateş-alanı, tüm-beden hipertermisi) entegre kullanımına gönüllü oldu.

Personal experience with cancer

Dr. Gorter kendi özel praktis ve sağlık merkezini 1974’te Amsterdam’ın kalbinde açtı. Açılışın sadece bir kaç hafta sonrasında, kendisine çok ilerlemiş, Aşama IV testiküler kanser teşhisi konuldu – o günlerde bu “teratokarsinom” olarak tanımlandı, ki bu hastalık günümüzde germ hücreli tümör olarak bilinen bir kanser türüdür.
Toksik olmayan tedaviyle iyileşmeyi başardı – yani kemoterapi ya da radyasyon uygulanmaksızın. Tedavisi sadece terapatik ateş (hipertermi) ve bilinen onkolojik bir bitki olan, Avrupa ökseotu enjeksiyonlarından oluşmaktaydı. Bu deneyim onu kanser terapisine dair yeni, toksik olmayan yaklaşım arayışına iyice yöneltti.

“O an, son aşama kanser teşhisimi kendime ölümcül bir hastalığa yakalandığım damgasını vurmaktan ve dolayısıyla da diğer insanların benden sakınmalarından kaçınmak için açığa vurmamaya karar verdim. Hastalığa odaklanmaktansa, tüm enerjimi profesyonel bir kariyer oluşturmaya odakladım. Bir pratisyen hekim olarak, kemoterapinin ve radyasyonun uzun bir hayat umudu vermekten ziyade büyük miktarda toksik yan etki bırakacağının bilinciyle, bu seçenekleri reddetmeye karar verdim. 


Bunun yerine, vücudumdaki anti kanser savunma mekanizmalarını harekete geçirecek bağışıklık terapisini başlattım. Avrupa’da seksen yıldan uzun bir süredir kullanılan, çok saygın, bitki türevli bir ilaç tedavisi türü olan ökse otu (Viscum album) enjeksiyonlarını ve terapatik ateşi (ateş-aralığı, tüm-beden hipertermisi) tatbik etmeye karar verdim. 

Tam gerileme elde etmem yaklaşık bir yılımı aldı. Şu anda bana son aşama kanser teşhisi konulalı otuz yedi sene oldu ve ben onca yıldır, herhangi bir kanser işareti ya da semptomu olmaksızın, dolu dolu yaşamaktayım. ”

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Медицинский Центр Cologne был основан Робертом W.D Гортер, MD, PhD, и был под его руководством в течение последних двенадцати лет. Центр предназначен для лечения рака с использованием иммунной поддержки лечения. Доктор Гортер разработал эту программу после более чем тридцати пяти лет опыта работы в клинике, сам пережив рак, и после того, как был директором программы в области СПИДа, лечения и исследования, в течение четырех лет.

Доктор Гортер получил имя доктора медицины в Университете Амстердама, медицинской школы в Нидерландах, где он окончил в качестве семейного врача в 1973 году. Он завершил свою вторую докторскую подготовку в Университете Калифорнии – Сан-Франциско (UCSF) медицинской школe в 1986 году. Доктор Гортер служил в качестве полноправного члена UCSF факультета с 1986 по 2008 год.

Дополнительное образование включает в себя степень доктора Университета Виттен / Хердекке в Германии в 1993 году, где он продолжает выступать в качестве преподавателя.

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Его обучение состоит прежде всего в традиционной западной медицине с докторской работой в Соединенных Штатах, Германии и Нидерландах. Он также завершил обучение специальности в антропософской медицине в 1973 году в Arlesheim, Швейцария, с уклоном на онкологию.

Доктор Гортер открыл медицинский центр со своей частной практикой в самом сердце Амстердама в 1974 году. Только через несколько недель после открытия , он был диагностирован раком яичка IV стадии, в прогресе – названным в этот период как “тератокарциномы”, который является одним из видов рака определёным в текущее время как зародышевые клетки карциномы.

Он успешно восстановился через нетоксичные терапии рака – то есть, без применения химиотерапии или лучевой терапии. Его лечение состояло исключительно из терапевтических лихорадок (гипертермия) и инъекций известных онкологических ботанических, Европейской омелы. Этот опыт побудили его к дальнейшему изучению новых, нетоксичных подходов к терапии рака.

В 1980-х годах, доктор Гортер служил врачом и исследователем по борьбе со СПИДом в Сан-Франциско, в больнице общего профиля, известной в мире Ward 86. Он продолжил свое участие в исследованиях новой области иммунотерапии, когда Ward 86 стал частью Программы UCSF СПИДа.
Далее, в течение четырех лет, д-р Гортер был медицинским директором департамента борьбы со СПИДом (эпидемиологии и биостатистики) в UCSF. Он также был чрезвычайно активен в инициативе развития проекта в сфере здравоохранения по СПИДу и програмы для Медсестер Ассоциации Домашнего Ухода для больных ВИЧ / СПИДом и онкологических заболеваний .

Эта работа, проводилась в самом начале эпидемии СПИДа в США и Европе, обеспечивая доктору Гортер возможность участвовать в научных исследованиях и медицинской помощи, впервые определив комплекс элементов иммунной системы человека. Эти исследования в медицинском центре UCSF , привели к самой обширной базе знаний иммунитета при ВИЧ-инфекции в наше время.

Когда, десять лет спустя, доктор Гортер перевёл направление своей деятельности к лечению рака , он соединил , свои знания из медицинской практики и разработки программ. Он применил медицинские значимые исследования по иммунотерапии для разработки нетоксичной, иммунной основе терапии для лечения рака.
Опираясь на его знания, как исследователь СПИДа и его медицинский опыт, он приступил к разработке программы лечения рака, основанный на принципах интенсивного и целенаправленного иммунного восстановления.

Он также участвовал в исследованиях на растительностях которые относятся к лечению рака, а также другими формами иммуносупрессии. В Берлине он основал Европейский Институт Онкологических и Иммунологических Исследований, которым он руководил до 2001 года. Этот институт был связан со Свободным Университетом (Freie Universität) и д-ра Гортер также попросили регулярно читать лекции студентам медицины и молодым врачам в этой области.

Доктор Гортер провел более двух десятилетий для создания и совершенствования эффективной методологии для иммунотерапии. Он является пионером в комплексном использовании лечебных лихорадок ( повышение температуры, диапазон, общая гипертермия тела), и также активно сотрудничал с подходом на вакцинацию иммунной системы для восстановления скрытых иммунной функции.

Доктор Роберт Гортер является автором многочисленных статей и тезисов, и соучастником в написании многих книг, он был показан на ABC, CNN и многочисленных других телевизионных программах в странах ЕС и на Ближнем Востоке. Роберт Гортер и его соавтор Эрик Пеперкандидат медицинских наук, написали книгу “Борьба с раком – нетоксичный подход к лечению”.

Английский и голландский (“Ik heb kanker, wat nu?”)?”) Были выпущены в 2011 году. В книге представлена “модель Гортер “ которая является способом лечения онкологических заболеваний в настоящее время в Медицинском Центре Cologne(MCC)(MCC) в Германии.. В книге предоставлены в научной основе все методы лечения. Успехи первых курсов были предоставлены здесь. Книга также содержит DVD с рекомендациями пациентов и упражнениями которые помогут изменить ваш образ жизни и улучшить качество жизни. “Борьба с раком”” в настоящее время одновременно переведены на восемь языков:

арабский, немецкий, португальский, французский, итальянский, турецкий и румынский. Книгу на английском языке заказать с Amazon.  Заказать английскую версию здесь. Голландская версия доступна в Интернете по специальной цене. Закажите голландскую версию здесь

Fighting Cancer - A Nontoxic Approach to Treatment
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    Robert Gorter and his co-author Erik Peper, PhD, have written the book  “Fighting Cancer – A Nontoxic  Approach to Treatment”. The book presents the Gorter Model, which essentially is the way oncologic patients are currently being treated at the Medical Center Cologne in Germany. It gives insight to the scientific foundation of all treatment modalities. Also, first success rates are here being presented.

    Click here to order the book for a special price
9789020205053 (1)
Ik heb kanker, wat nu?
Am cancer si acum ce fac?
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    The Arabic issue of the book was released in March 2013.


Il Dr. Gorter ha conseguito la sua laurea in medicina alla Scuola di Medicina dell’Universita di Amsterdam, in Olanda, dove si e laureato come medico di famiglia nel 1973. Nel 1986 ha completato il suo secondo dottorato post-laurea presso la Scuola di Medicina della California University di San Francisco (USCF). Il Dr. Gorter ha insegnato alla USCF, come membro della facolta, dal 1986 al 2008. Inoltre ha conseguito il diploma PhD all’Universita di Witten/Herdecke in Germania, nel 1993.

La sua formazione e principalmente orientata alla medicina occidentale convenzionale, con un lavoro di dottorato post-laurea negli Stati Uniti, in Germania e in Olanda. Nel 1973, ad Arlesheim, Svizzera, ha completato un training specialistico in Medicina Antroposofica, con enfasi particolare sull’oncologia.

Visita il blog personale di Dr. Gorter Leggi il curriculum del Dr. Gorter

Ricerca e carriera

Nel 1980, ha praticato come medico e ricercatore sull’AIDS (sindrome di immunodeficienza acquisita) presso il General Hospital di San Francisco, in un reparto noto a livello mondiale: il Ward 86. Quando il Ward 86 e diventato parte dello USCF AIDS Program, egli ha continuato la sua ricerca ne l campo emergente della terapia immunitaria. Successivamente, e stato per quattro anni Direttore Medico del Dipartimento per l’Epidemiologia e la Biost atistica dell’Aids presso la USCF.

E stato inoltre molto attivo nello sviluppo del programma che ha dato inizio allo AIDS Health Project, al movimento Coming Hom e Hospice, ed alla Visiting Nurses’ Association, che fornisce cure a domicilio ai malati di HIV (Human Inefficiency Virus) e AIDS, e ai malati di cancro. La ricerca sull’HIV, sull’AIDS e sul sistema immunitario ha aiutato il DR. Gorter a capire meglio la funzione immunitaria. Il lavoro, condotto proprio all’inizio dell’epidemia di AIDS negli Stati Uniti e in Europa, gli ha fornito l’opportunita di essere coinvolto nella ricerca e nella cura clinica che ha definito gli elementi complessi del sistema immunitario umano. Questi studi dell’UCSF Medical Center hanno portato alla piu ampia base di conoscenza in materia di immunita in caso di infezione da HIV del nostro tempo. Quando, una decina di anni piu tardi, il Dr. Gorter ha spostato l’orientamento del suo lavoro alla cura del cancro, ha integrato quanto aveva imparato dalla pratica clinica, e dallo sviluppo di programmi. Ha applicato le ricerche clinicamente rilevanti sulla terapia immunitaria, per sviluppare una terapia non tossica a base immunitaria per il trattamento del cancro.

Sulla base di cio che ha imparato come ricercatore sull’AIDS, e della sua esperienza clinica, ha cominciato a sviluppare un programma di trattamento del cancro basato sui principi del ripristino immunitario inten sivo e mirato. Il Dr. Gorter ha anche partecipato alla ricerca sulle erbe officinali che intervengono sul cancro, e su altre forme di soppressione immunitaria. A Berlino, in Germania, ha fondato l’Istituto Europeo di Ricerca Oncologica e Immunologica, che ha diretto fino al 2001. Questo Istituto e stato affiliato con la Libera Universita (Freie Universität), e al Dr. Gorter e stato anche chiesto di tenere regolarmente lezione agli studenti di medicina e ai giovani medici in questo campo. Il Dr. Gorter ha speso oltre due decenni, per stabilire ed affinare una metodologia efficace per la terapia immunitaria. Ha sperimentato per primo l’uso integrato della febbre terapeutica (“ipertermia di tutto il corpo a livello di febbre”). Ha anche lav orato molto ad un approccio che sostanzialmente vaccina il sistema immunitario, per ripristinare la funzione immunitaria latente.

L’esperienza personale con il cancro

Il Dr. Gorter ha aperto il suo centro privato di pratica medica nel cuore di Amsterdam, nel 1974. Solo poche settimane dopo aver aperto il centro, gli e stato diagnosticato un cancro testicolare molto avanzato, allo stadio IV – chiamato all’epoca “teratocarcinoma“, un tipo di cancro attualmente definito “carcinoma delle cellule geminali”.

E stato in grado di guarire con successo attraverso trattamenti non tossici, senza usare chemioterapia o radioterapia. Il suo trattamento consisteva solo nella febbre terapeutica (ipertermia), e in iniezioni di una nota erba anticancro, il vischio Europeo. Questa esperienza lo ha motivato ad esplorare ulteriormente nuovi approcci non tossici alla terapia del cancro.

“A quel tempo, decisi di non rivelare la mia diagnosi di cancro allo stadio terminale, per evitare di essere stigmatizzato come una persona affetta da una malattia fatale, e quindi di essere evitato dagli altri . Invece di concentrarmi sulla malattia, ho messo tutte le mie energie nella costruzione di una carriera professionale. 

Come medico praticante, sapendo che la chemioterapia e la radioterapia mi avrebbero inflitto enormi effetti collaterali tossici, senza molte speranze di allungare l’aspettativa di vita, ho deciso di scartare queste opzioni. Invece, ho iniziato una terapia immunitaria per ripristinare i meccanismi di difesa anti-cancro nel mio corpo. 

Ho deciso di fare iniezioni di vischio (Viscum album), un’erba medicinale ampiamente apprezzata, utilizzata in Europa da oltre 80 anni, e cicli di induzione della febbre terapeutica (ipertermia di tutto il corpo a livello di febbre). Mi ci e voluto circa un anno per ottenere la remissione completa. Ora sono trascorsi 37 anni, da quando mi era stato diagnosticato lo stadio finale di cancro, ed io continuo a vivere tutti questi anni al massimo, senza alcun segno o sintomo di cancro.”

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    Il volume descrive il rivoluzionario“modello Gorter”, un approccio integrativo e non tossico alla cura del cancro a cui ogni giorno si affida un numero sempre maggiore di pazienti. Il libro offre una panoramica dettagliata del trattamento, illustrando le ricerche che hanno portato al suo sviluppo e delineando le principali strategie per rafforzare la risposta immunitaria.

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Fighting Cancer - A Nontoxic Approach to Treatment
  • Saperne di più e ordinare

    Robert Gorter e il suo co-autore, Erik Peper, PhD, hanno scritto il libro“Fighting Cancer – A Nontoxic Approach to Treatment”.  Il libro presenta il Modello Gorter, che è essenzialmente il modo in cui i pazienti oncologici sono trattati presso il Medical Center Cologne.

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9789020205053 (1)
Ik heb kanker, wat nu?
Am cancer si acum ce fac?
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    L’edizione arabo del libro è stata pubblicata nel 2012.


Le Dr. Gorter a obtenu son diplôme de médecin à la Faculté de Médecine de l’Université d’Amsterdam, dans les Pays-Bas, où il a obtenu sa qualification de médecin de famille en 1973. Il a achevé son deuxième parcours postdoctoral à l’Ecole de Médecine de l’Université de Californie – San Francisco (UCSF) en 1986. Le Dr Gorter a été membre à part entière de la faculté UCSF entre 1986 et 2008.

Son parcours académique comprend aussi un doctorat de l’Université de Witten/Hardecke en Allemagne – 1993, où il continue de servir en tant que membre à part entière.

Sa formation concerne surtout le domaine de la médecine occidentale conventionnelle à quoi s’ajoute un parcours postdoctoral aux États-Unis, en l’Allemagne et dans les Pays-Bas. Il a aussi suivi une formation des spécialistes dans le domaine de la médecine anthroposophique en 1973 à Arlesheim, Suisse, en se concentrant sur l’oncologie.

Il blog personale del Dr. Gorter Il curriculum del Dr. Gorter


Dans les années 1980, le Dr Gorter a travaillé comme praticien et chercheur dans le domaine du SIDA à l’Hôpital Général de San Francisco dans la fameuse « Ward 86 ». Il a continué son travail dans le domaine émergent de l’immunothérapie quand la Ward 86 a été incluse dans le programme contre le SIDA de l’UCSF.

Par la suite, pendant quatre ans, le Dr Gorter a été directeur médical du département d’Epidémiologie et bio statistique du SIDA à la UCSF. Il a été aussi très actif dans le programme de développement et d’initiation du « AIDS Health Project » (Projet de Santé contre le SIDA), du « mouvement des hospices » Coming Hope et de l’Association des infirmières sociales (Visiting Nurses Association) pour les patients atteints du VIH/SIDA ou d’un cancer.

Ces démarches, menées au tout début de l’épidémie de SIDA aux Etats-Unis et en Europe, a offert au Dr Gorter l’occasion de s’impliquer dans la recherche et les soins médicaux qui ont été les premiers à définir les éléments tellement complexes du système immunitaire humain. De telles études du Centre Médical UCSF ont débouché sur le savoir le plus vaste concernant l’immunité dans l’infection avec le VIH disponible de nos jours. Lorsque, dix ans après, le Dr Gorter a dirigé son attention vers le traitement du cancer, il a su intégrer le savoir acquis dans son travail pratique ainsi que dans le développement du programme. Il a employé des recherches pertinentes du point de vue clinique concernant l’immunité pour développer des thérapies non-toxiques basées sur l’immunité, pour le traitement du cancer.

Puisant dans savoir accumulé en tant que chercheur dans le domaine du SIDA ainsi que dans sa vaste expérience clinique, il a commencé à mettre au point un programme de traitement basé sur les principes de la restauration immunitaire intensive et ciblée. De même, il a participé à la recherche des plantes efficaces dans le traitement du cancer, ainsi que dans d’autres formes de suppression immunitaire.

À Berlin, il a fondé l’Institut de Recherche Oncologique et Immunologique, qu’il a dirigé jusqu’en 2011. L’Institut était affilié à l’Université Libre (Freie Universiät) et le Dr Gorter était invité régulièrement à donner des cours aux étudiants de médecine et aux jeunes docteurs du domaine.


Le Dr. Gorter a ouvert son centre sanitaire privé dans cœur de la ville d’Amsterdam en 1974. Quatre semaines après l’ouverture du centre, il a été diagnostiqué avec une forme très avancée (Grade IV) de cancer testiculaire – à l’époque décrit comme « tératome », un type de cancer couramment décrit comme carcinome des cellules germinales.

Il a réussi à s’en remettre avec succès grâce à un traitement non-toxique contre le cancer – c’est-à-dire sans avoir recours a la chimiothérapie ou à la radiation. Son traitement a compris uniquement de la thérapie par la fièvre (hyperthermie) et des injections avec une plante aux propriétés oncologiques reconnues, le gui européen. Cette expérience l’a poussé à explorer davantage des nouvelles approches non-toxiques dans le traitement du cancer.

“À ce moment là, j’ai décidé de ne pas révéler mon diagnostic de cancer en phase terminale pour éviter d’être stigmatisé comme ayant une maladie mortelle, et donc d’être renié par les autres .. Au lieu de me concentrer sur la maladie, je mettais toute mon énergie dans la construction d’une carrière professionnelle. En tant que médecin praticien, sachant que la chimiothérapie et la radiothérapie allait infliger d’énormes effets toxiques secondaires sans grand espoir de prolongement de l’espérance de vie, j’ai décidé de décliner ces options.

Au lieu de cela, j’ai initié une thérapie immunitaire afin de restaurer les mécanismes de défense anti-cancer de mon corps. J’ai décidé de m’administrer des injections de gui (Viscum album), un médicament largement respecté d’origine végétale utilisé en Europe depuis plus de 80 ans et les fièvres thérapeutiques (fièvre de gamme, hyperthermie corporelle totale). Il m’a fallu environ un an pour obtenir une rémission complète. Il y a maintenant plus de 37 ans que j’ai reçu ce diagnostic de cancer en phase terminale et je continue à vivre pleinement toutes ces années, sans aucun signe ou symptôme de cancer. ”

Fighting Cancer - A Nontoxic Approach to Treatment
  • Section

    Robert Gorter et son coauteur Dr Erik Peper ont publié l’ouvrage « Fighting Cancer – A Nontoxic Approach to Treatment ». Le livre présente le Modèle Gorter, qui est essentiellement la méthode employée par le Medical Center Cologne (MCC) en Allemagne, pour traiter les patients atteints d’un cancer. L’ouvrage offre des informations concernant la base scientifique de toutes les approches thérapeutiques utilisées. Les premiers taux de succès y sont aussi présentés.

    Cliquez ici pour commander le livre pour un prix spécial
9789020205053 (1)
Ik heb kanker, wat nu?
Am cancer si acum ce fac?

Dr. Gorter earned his medical degree at the University of Amsterdam Medical School in the Netherlands, where he graduated as a family practitioner in 1973.  He completed his second postdoctoral training at the University of California – San Francisco (UCSF) Medical School in 1986.

Dr. Gorter served as a full UCSF faculty member from 1986 to 2008. Additional education includes a doctorate from the University of Witten/Herdecke in Germany in 1993, where he continues to serve as a faculty member. His training is foremost in conventional Western medicine with postdoctoral work in the United States, Germany and the Netherlands.

He also completed specialty training in anthroposophical medicine in 1973 in Arlesheim, Switzerland, with an emphasis on oncology. Dr. Robert Gorter has written numerous articles and abstracts, contributed to many books, and been featured on ABC, CNN and numerous television programs in the EU and the Middle East.

Visit Dr. Gorter's personal blog Read Dr. Gorter's curriculum

Research and career

In the 1980’s, Dr. Gorter served as a physician and researcher on AIDS at San Francisco general Hospital in the world-renowned Ward 86. He continued his involvement in research within the emerging field of immune therapy when Ward 86 became part of the UCSF AIDS Program. Subsequently, for four years, Dr. Gorter was the medical director of the Department of AIDS Epidemiology and Biostatistics at UCSF.

He was also highly active in program development in the initiation of the AIDS Health Project, the Coming Home hospice movement, and the Visiting Nurses’ Association home care services hor HIV/AIDS and cancer patients . This work, conducted at the very beginning of the AIDS epidemic in the United States and Europe, provided Dr. Gorter the opportunity to be involved in the research and clinical care that first defined the complex elements of the human immune system. These studies from UCSF Medical Center have resulted in the most extensive knowledge base on immunity in HIV infection in our time. When Dr. Gorter moved the focus of his work to cancer treatment a decade later, he integrated what he had learned in clinical practice and program development. He applied clinically relevant research on immune therapy to develop nontoxic, immune-based therapies for the treatment of cancer.

Drawing on what he learned as an AIDS researcher and on his clinical experiences, he began developing a cancer treatment program based on the principles of intensive and targeted immune restoration. He has also participated in research on botanicals that address cancer, as well as other forms of immune suppression. In Berlin he founded the European Institute for Oncological and Immunological research, which he directed until 2001.

This Institute was affiliated with the Free University (Freie Universität) and Dr. Gorter was also asked to lecture regularly to medical students and young doctors in this field. Dr. Gorter has spent more than two decades establishing and refining effective methodology for immune therapy. He has pioneered the integrated use of therapeutic fever (fever-range, total-body hyperthermia) and has also worked extensively with an approach that essentially vaccinates the immune system to restore latent immune function.

Personal experience with cancer

Dr. Gorter opened his private practice and health care center in the hearth of Amsterdam in 1974. Only a few weeks after opening his practice, he was diagnosed with far-advanced, Stage IV testicular cancer – at that time described as “teratocarcinoma”, which is a type of cancer curently defined as germ-cell carcinoma.

He was able to recover successfully through nontoxic treatment – that is, without the use of chemotherapy or radiation. His treatment consisted solely of therapeutic fever (hyperthermia) and injections of a known oncological botanical, the European mistletoe. This experience motivated him to further explore new, nontoxic approaches to cancer therapy.

At that time, the dendritic cells were not known, therefore we couldn’t use them therapeutically, but I did hyperthermia and I injected myself as a doctor with Viscum album (Mistletoe). I decided not to reveal my end-stage cancer diagnosis.Instead of focusing on the disease, I put all my energy into building a professional career. It took me about one year to achieve complete remission. 

 As a practicing physician, knowing that chemotherapy and radiation would inflict massive toxic side effects without much hope of a prolonged life expectancy, I decided to decline these options and go for a nontoxic cancer therapy. It has now been more than three decades ago since I was given that end-stage cancer diagnosis and I continue to live all these years to the fullest, without any signs or symptoms of cancer.     Of course, hope is extremely important as well. I really believe this is also the basis of the Gorter Model, that we try to the best we can to give patients a realistic hope and faith in what they do and we try to give them as far as we can, also care or love.

Fighting Cancer - A Nontoxic Approach to Treatment
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    Robert Gorter and his co-author Erik Peper, PhD, have written the book  “Fighting Cancer – A Nontoxic  Approach to Treatment”. The book presents the Gorter Model, which essentially is the way oncologic patients are currently being treated at the Medical Center Cologne in Germany. It gives insight to the scientific foundation of all treatment modalities. Also, first success rates are here being presented.

    Click here to order the book for a special price
9789020205053 (1)
Ik heb kanker, wat nu?
Am cancer si acum ce fac?
  • Read more&order

    The Arabic issue of the book was released in March 2013.
