• 25 NOV 13
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    Long term non-progressors – HIV

    Gene research finds clues to AIDS survival Gene research finds clues to AIDS survivers. For decades, they lived a mystery: Why were they able to survive with the AIDS virus, free of symptoms and the need for potent drugs, while so many others with the same germ turned deathly ill? Read more

    • 27 JUL 14
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    Live longer, enhance fertility and increase stress resistance: Eat organic foods

    Live longer, enhance fertility and increase stress resistance: Eat organic foods Health food advocates have long claimed that organic foods are better for your health because they have more nutrients and fewer pesticides than non organic or genetically modified grown foods.  On the other hand, the USDA and agribusiness tend to claim that organically grown foods

    • 17 JUL 14
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    Hyperthermia and Immunotherapy in the Treatment of Cancer

    Hyperthermia and Immunotherapy in the Treatment of Cancer Fever turns out to be one of the missing links in understanding cancer. A growing body of research  suggests that most cancer patients have a lower core temperature and cannot mount a fever, and thus are unable to activate their immune system. In the clinical setting, these

    • 25 NOV 13
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    How heat helps kill cancer: An article about Local Hyperthermia

    Hyperthermia is occasionally used to augment the efficacy of certain cancer therapies, but how heat helps has been a mystery. Now, researchers have uncovered the details of one likely mechanism – heating a tumor inhibits homologous recombination, a DNA repair system, so cancer cells cannot mend DNA damaged by radiation or chemotherapy. Read more…  

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